[audacity4blind] Re: JAWS HELP NEW USER

  • From: "David R. Sky" <davidsky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: audacity4blind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2007 21:06:27 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Robin,

In my notes below, my instructions about saving to a .txt file did not work as I wrote, so you can ignore that part. The rest is valid, and there is only one attachment to this post, keys.xml. Hope this is helpful. David

I've attached two files to this post, keys.xml and keys.txt, the
first being how Audacity saves keyboard commands to a file you
specify. keys.txt is how my Windows browser converted the xml file
and saved it as a text file.

Item #1 below is how to save the Audacity keyboard commands to an
xml file, with brief notes about how I converted the xml file to a
plain text file with no xml markings.

Item #2 below is how to examine the keyboard commands one at a time
in Audacity without saving to a file.

1. open preferences - control+p
cursor to 'keyboard'
tab to 'save'
press enter
enter filename such as


tab to 'save' button
press enter
press escape to exit preferences

Your file will be saved as keys.xml in the folder you specified,
which (after you have exited Audacity) you can examine with your
browser or in a plain text editor.

My version of Audacity 1.3.3 beta is an August 5 release, you
probably have an older version, so I'm not sure how or whether the
attached keys.xml or keys.txt are the same as your friend's version
of Audacity (keys.txt is the keys.xml file saved as a .txt file
using my browser)

2. To examine single keyboard commands

open preferences - control+p
cursor to 'keyboard'
tab to 'key bindings'
use up and down arrows to examine individual key command

Press escape to exit preferences


David R. Sky

On Sat, 8 Sep 2007, Robin G Plitt wrote:

HI Gang,

I just installed a copy of the Audacity Beta for a friend who is a JAWS user.

Currently, he will just be making timer recordings and exporting them to MP3.  
I have set up the program for him and creaed a folder which he can access from 
the desktop to play/move his files.

I have read the Wiki online and didn't see any keyboard shortcuts which would 
make the Record/Export process any easier.

Can anyone offer any tips?

<audacitykeyboard audacityversion="1.3.3-beta">
        <command name="New" label="New" key="Ctrl+N"/>
        <command name="Open" label="Open..." key="Ctrl+O"/>
        <command name="Close" label="Close" key="Ctrl+W"/>
        <command name="Save" label="Save Project" key="Ctrl+S"/>
        <command name="SaveAs" label="Save Project As..." key=""/>
        <command name="CheckDeps" label="Check Dependencies..." key=""/>
        <command name="EditMetaData" label="Open Metadata Editor..." key=""/>
        <command name="ImportAudio" label="Audio..." key="Ctrl+Shift+I"/>
        <command name="ImportLabels" label="Labels..." key=""/>
        <command name="ImportMIDI" label="MIDI..." key=""/>
        <command name="ImportRaw" label="Raw Data..." key=""/>
        <command name="Export" label="Export..." key=""/>
        <command name="ExportSel" label="Export Selection..." key=""/>
        <command name="ExportLabels" label="Export Labels..." key=""/>
        <command name="ExportMultiple" label="Export Multiple..." key=""/>
        <command name="AppplyChain" label="Apply Chain..." key=""/>
        <command name="EditChains" label="Edit Chains..." key=""/>
        <command name="Upload File" label="Upload File..." key=""/>
        <command name="PageSetup" label="Page Setup..." key=""/>
        <command name="Print" label="Print..." key=""/>
        <command name="Exit" label="Exit" key="Ctrl+Q"/>
        <command name="Undo" label="Undo" key="Ctrl+Z"/>
        <command name="Redo" label="Redo" key="Ctrl+Y"/>
        <command name="Cut" label="Cut" key="Ctrl+X"/>
        <command name="SplitCut" label="Split Cut" key="Ctrl+Alt+X"/>
        <command name="Copy" label="Copy" key="Ctrl+C"/>
        <command name="Paste" label="Paste" key="Ctrl+V"/>
        <command name="Trim" label="Trim" key="Ctrl+T"/>
        <command name="Delete" label="Delete" key="Ctrl+K"/>
        <command name="SplitDelete" label="Split Delete" key="Ctrl+Alt+K"/>
        <command name="Silence" label="Silence" key="Ctrl+L"/>
        <command name="Split" label="Split" key="Ctrl+I"/>
        <command name="SplitNew" label="Split New" key="Ctrl+Alt+I"/>
        <command name="Join" label="Join" key="Ctrl+J"/>
        <command name="Disjoin" label="Disjoin" key="Ctrl+Alt+J"/>
        <command name="Duplicate" label="Duplicate" key="Ctrl+D"/>
        <command name="CutLabels" label="Cut" key="Alt+X"/>
        <command name="SplitCutLabels" label="Split Cut" key="Shift+Alt+X"/>
        <command name="CopyLabels" label="Copy" key="Shift+Alt+C"/>
        <command name="DeleteLabels" label="Delete" key="Alt+K"/>
        <command name="SplitDeleteLabels" label="Split Delete" 
        <command name="SilenceLabels" label="Silence" key="Alt+L"/>
        <command name="SplitLabels" label="Split" key="Alt+I"/>
        <command name="JoinLabels" label="Join" key="Alt+J"/>
        <command name="DisjoinLabels" label="Disjoin" key="Shift+Alt+J"/>
        <command name="SelectAll" label="All" key="Ctrl+A"/>
        <command name="SelectNone" label="None" key="Ctrl+Shift+A"/>
        <command name="SetLeftSelection" label="Left at Playback Position" 
        <command name="SetRightSelection" label="Right at Playback Position" 
        <command name="SelStartCursor" label="Start to Cursor" key=""/>
        <command name="SelCursorEnd" label="Cursor to End" key=""/>
        <command name="ZeroCross" label="Find Zero Crossings" key="Z"/>
        <command name="CursSelStart" label="to Selection Start" key=""/>
        <command name="CursSelEnd" label="to Selection End" key=""/>
        <command name="CursTrackStart" label="to Track Start" key=""/>
        <command name="CursTrackEnd" label="to Track End" key=""/>
        <command name="SelSave" label="Selection Save" key=""/>
        <command name="SelRestore" label="Selection Restore" key=""/>
        <command name="LockPlayRegion" label="Lock" key=""/>
        <command name="UnlockPlayRegion" label="Unlock" key=""/>
        <command name="Preferences" label="Preferences..." key="Ctrl+P"/>
        <command name="ZoomIn" label="Zoom In" key="Ctrl+1"/>
        <command name="ZoomNormal" label="Zoom Normal" key="Ctrl+2"/>
        <command name="ZoomOut" label="Zoom Out" key="Ctrl+3"/>
        <command name="FitInWindow" label="Fit in Window" key="Ctrl+F"/>
        <command name="FitV" label="Fit Vertically" key="Ctrl+Shift+F"/>
        <command name="ZoomSel" label="Zoom to Selection" key="Ctrl+E"/>
        <command name="CollapseAllTracks" label="Collapse All Tracks" 
        <command name="ExpandAllTracks" label="Expand All Tracks" 
        <command name="ShowClipping" label="Show Clipping" key=""/>
        <command name="UndoHistory" label="History..." key=""/>
        <command name="ShowControlTB" label="Control Toolbar" key=""/>
        <command name="ShowDeviceTB" label="Device Toolbar" key=""/>
        <command name="ShowEditTB" label="Edit Toolbar" key=""/>
        <command name="ShowMeterTB" label="Meter Toolbar" key=""/>
        <command name="ShowMixerTB" label="Mixer Toolbar" key=""/>
        <command name="ShowSelectionTB" label="Selection Toolbar" key=""/>
        <command name="ShowToolsTB" label="Tools Toolbar" key=""/>
        <command name="ShowTranscriptionTB" label="Transcription Toolbar" 
        <command name="ResetToolbars" label="Reset Toolbars" key=""/>
        <command name="NewAudioTrack" label="Audio Track" key="Ctrl+Shift+N"/>
        <command name="NewStereoTrack" label="Stereo Track" key=""/>
        <command name="NewLabelTrack" label="Label Track" key=""/>
        <command name="NewTimeTrack" label="Time Track" key=""/>
        <command name="SmartRecord" label="Timer Record..." key=""/>
        <command name="Stereo To Mono" label="Stereo To Mono" key=""/>
        <command name="MixAndRender" label="Mix and Render" key=""/>
        <command name="Resample" label="Resample..." key=""/>
        <command name="RemoveTracks" label="Remove Tracks" key=""/>
        <command name="AddLabel" label="Add Label At Selection" key="Ctrl+B"/>
        <command name="AddLabelPlaying" label="Add Label At Playback Position" 
        <command name="EditLabels" label="Edit Labels" key=""/>
        <command name="SortByTime" label="Start time" key=""/>
        <command name="SortByName" label="Name" key=""/>
        <command name="RepeatLastEffect" label="Repeat Last Effect" 
        <command name="PlotSpectrum" label="Plot Spectrum..." key=""/>
        <command name="About" label="About Audacity..." key=""/>
        <command name="Screenshot" label="Screenshot Tools..." key=""/>
        <command name="Benchmark" label="Run Benchmark..." key=""/>
        <command name="DeviceInfo" label="Audio Device Info..." key=""/>
        <command name="EditMetaData1" label="Open Metadata Editor 1" key=""/>
        <command name="EditMetaData2" label="Open Metadata Editor 2" key=""/>
        <command name="PrevFrame" label="Cycle backward through Dock, Track 
View, and Selection Bar" key="Ctrl+Shift+F6"/>
        <command name="NextFrame" label="Cycle forward through Dock, Track 
View, and Selection Bar" key="Ctrl+F6"/>
        <command name="SelectTool" label="Selection Tool" key="F1"/>
        <command name="EnvelopeTool" label="Envelope Tool" key="F2"/>
        <command name="DrawTool" label="Draw Tool" key="F3"/>
        <command name="ZoomTool" label="Zoom Tool" key="F4"/>
        <command name="TimeShiftTool" label="Time Shift Tool" key="F5"/>
        <command name="MultiTool" label="Multi Tool" key="F6"/>
        <command name="NextTool" label="Next Tool" key="D"/>
        <command name="PrevTool" label="Previous Tool" key="A"/>
        <command name="Play/Stop" label="Play/Stop" key="Spacebar"/>
        <command name="Stop" label="Stop" key="S"/>
        <command name="Pause" label="Pause" key="P"/>
        <command name="Record" label="Record" key="R"/>
        <command name="StopSelect" label="Stop and Select" key="Shift+A"/>
        <command name="PlayOneSec" label="Play One Second" key="1"/>
        <command name="PlayToSelection" label="Play To Selection" key="B"/>
        <command name="PlayLooped" label="Play Looped" key="L"/>
        <command name="PlayLoopAlt" label="Play Looped" key="Shift+Spacebar"/>
        <command name="PlayCutPreview" label="Play Cut Preview" key="C"/>
        <command name="SkipStart" label="Skip to Start" key="Home"/>
        <command name="SkipEnd" label="Skip to End" key="End"/>
        <command name="SelStart" label="Selection to Start" key="Shift+Home"/>
        <command name="SelEnd" label="Selection to End" key="Shift+End"/>
        <command name="DeleteKey" label="DeleteKey" key="Backspace"/>
        <command name="DeleteKey2" label="DeleteKey2" key="Delete"/>
        <command name="SeekLeftShort" label="Seek left short period during 
playback" key="Left"/>
        <command name="SeekRightShort" label="Seek right short period during 
playback" key="Right"/>
        <command name="SeekLeftLong" label="Seek left long period during 
playback" key="Shift+Left"/>
        <command name="SeekRightLong" label="Seek right long period during 
playback" key="Shift+Right"/>
        <command name="PrevTrack" label="Move Focus to Previous Track" 
        <command name="ShiftUp" label="Move Focus to Previous and Change 
Selection" key="Shift+Up"/>
        <command name="NextTrack" label="Move Focus to Next Track" key="Down"/>
        <command name="ShiftDown" label="Move Focus to Next and Change 
Selection" key="Shift+Down"/>
        <command name="Toggle" label="Toggle Focused Track" key="Return"/>
        <command name="Toggle1" label="Toggle Focused Track" 
        <command name="Toggle2" label="Toggle Focused Track" 
        <command name="CursorLeft" label="Cursor Left" key="Left"/>
        <command name="CursorRight" label="Cursor Right" key="Right"/>
        <command name="SelExtLeft" label="Selection Extend Left" 
        <command name="SelExtRight" label="Selection Extend Right" 
        <command name="SelCntrLeft" label="Selection Contract Left" 
        <command name="SelCntrRight" label="Selection Contract Right" 
        <command name="TrackPan" label="Change pan on focused track" 
        <command name="TrackPanLeft" label="Pan left on focused track" 
        <command name="TrackPanRight" label="Pan right on focused track" 
        <command name="TrackGain" label="Change gain on focused track" 
        <command name="TrackGainInc" label="Increase gain on focused track" 
        <command name="TrackGainDec" label="Decrease gain on focused track" 
        <command name="TrackMenu" label="Open menu on focused track" 
        <command name="TrackMute" label="Mute/Unmute focused track" 
        <command name="TrackSolo" label="Solo/Unsolo focused track" 
        <command name="TrackClose" label="Close focused track" key="Shift+C"/>
        <command name="SnapToOn" label="Snap To On" key=""/>
        <command name="SnapToOff" label="Snap To Off" key=""/>

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