[bksvol-discuss] Bookshare.org Unofficial Volunteer Scanning Page and FAQ

  • From: "Rui Cabral" <rui@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2004 14:22:08 -0400

hi Everyone:

This is just a reminder to check out the Unofficial Bookshare.org Volunteer
Scanning Page at: http://members.cox.net/booksharescans

here you will find a list of rejected books, a list of upcoming books that
submitters are working on, and a list of rescan books.

I invite members to e-mail booksharescans@xxxxxxx with books that fall in
too any one of these 3 categories.

Bookshare Unofficial Volunteer Scanning Page FAQ

1.  Q:  What is the purpose of this site?
A: To facilitate the creation of a few lists that Bookshare.org probably
does not
have the resources to create, but more importantly,  maintain.

2.  Q:  What is the rejected book list for?
A: For bookshare members and Volunteers to have a list of books that were
rejected due to poor quality, missing pages/copyright, etc.  This list can
serve as a wishlist of sorts for members who are not sure what to scan, to
scan a book that was intended to be in the collection.  This way every book
that a member meant to include in the collection will be there at some
point, but
at the highest quality possible. Members are asked to E-mail:
booksharescans@xxxxxxx every time they reject a book.  In the e-mail please
include the title and author of the book in question.
join me in my "no book left behind initiative."

3.  Q: What is the Upcoming Booklist for?
A:  This list contains books that submiters are working on and plan to
submit (approximately within the next 30 days)  This will hopefully, cut
down on duplicated effort.  Example, If you know that Anthea is submitting
"the Taking" by Dean Koontz, then you know you can focus your scanning
talents elsewhere. The upcoming booklist states the title, author, date
submitted to my list, and the submiter.

4.  Q.  What is the Rescan Book list?
A.  These are books that are currently in the collection but have been
reported as needing a rescan.

5.  Q.  "should I E-mail you when I have scanned a book that I said I was
going too as well as on the reject list or the rescan list?
A.  It would be helpful in order for me to take them off the list. I have 1
other Volunteer working with me on this project, but any help from the
community at large to maintain the integrity of the data would be helpful.

6.  Q.  Why the heck are you doing this?
A.  Because I feel these lists can be beneficial and make the Bookshare
experience better for everyone.

7.  Q.  "if i E-mail info, how log will it take to make it to the website?
A.  I will try to update the page "at least" once a day Note: date/time last
updated is located at the top of each list.

8.  Q.  "what if I have more questions, you didn't cover everything you
A.  Please E-mail: booksharescans@xxxxxxx

-- Rui
 Bookshare.org Unofficial Volunteer Scanning Page

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