[bksvol-discuss] Re: Common Ground and Some Suggestions for Progress

  • From: "Reggie & Lonnie" <regandlon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2004 18:35:38 -0400

I believe your suggestions are worthwhile.  However, I have found that a lot
of the people who scan, or even validate, are not on this list.  Some of the
scans I have tried to validate have been of very poor quality.  Could
someone keep a list of these extremely bad scans in a different place on
Bookshare updating it once a week or so? Then the validaters would not have
to wade through all of them and the people who were re-scanning could see
what they were.  If someone wants to explain how I could do this, I would be
willing to do it.  Everyone who validates would just have to send me a
private Email and I would keep a list.  What do you guys think? Truthfully,
if those poor scans are just rejected, they may not be re-scanned.  Also

, and please this is only my opinion, since the scanner gets 2.50 and the
validator only gets 50 cents, I believe that the scanner should not be
sending in anything less than a good quality book.  However, that is not
happening in some cases.  As my husband once said to me, well if one is not
going to try for the best scans and the best validations then you might as
well take any book, download it, and then just upload it and say yes
although there are many, many errors it is fair and so should go up to the
collection.  I understand what Jesse is saying and I agree in principle, so
now I am going to shut up.  Thanks for letting me vent some frustration that
I have not felt comfortable venting about on the list.  I just want the best
for Bookshare.  Again, I am ready and willing to keep a list of "difficult
to validate" books if I am asked and someone can give me directions on how.
Thanks again for listening to my rantings.


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