[bksvol-discuss] Re: Errors in books

  • From: Monica Willyard <rhyami@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 20:30:17 -0500

I like the short synopsis just like it is because I can get a brief glimpse of what a book is about. If I am too lazy to load the book's page and read the long synopsis and categories for more complete information, that's on me for not reading it. A rating system would work well as long as it's set as a filter on a person's user account somehow. As it stands now, people who download books via Kurzweil don't see the synopsis, quality rating, or anything else but the title and author. Some other devices work the same way. Putting the rating instead of the short synopsis would end up backfiring for most users because they either wouldn't see it at all or would have even less information about a book before taking the step of opening its page on the Bookshare site.

Monica Willyard

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