[bksvol-discuss] Re: Let's stop it, was Re: Re: hello i am an ungrateful blind person whining about a problem on a nearly free service that turned out not to have affected anything

  • From: Ali Al-hajamy <aalhajamy@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2012 11:11:26 -0400

You're completely right. For whatever reason, it took an entire night's sleep for me to fully realize it, but there was no logical reason for me to have directed my criticisms to one particular person, and in such a way that only someone who knew me very well (read: no one on this list, as far as I know) would know that I was trying to make a more general point. As I've mentioned before, I sincerely hope Jamie doesn't stop volunteering just because of this incident, as she is a valuable resource who is deticated to the work she does for this community.

On 22-Apr-12 10:51, Roger Loran Bailey wrote:
Ali, in a general way you are making some good points. It would be better to keep it general rather than direct the criticism toward a specific person though. It also draws out this topic and the main effect that drawing out the topic is likely to have is to cause hard feelings. I know that by making this very post I am drawing it out too, but I don't know how else to make this point and I will try to keep my further comments on this topic to a minimum or refrain entirely if I can. You have already made an apology and expressed regret about having made your original post. The trouble is that as you made the apology you included further criticism. That kind of detracts from the perceived sincerity of the apology. Interestingly enough, though, I think you and Jamie were coming from the same perspective. She had encountered a frustrating problem that was bound to annoy and make one a bit grumpy and she expressed her grumpiness. You told us that you had just read a long series of messages that were annoying to you and undoubtedly that made you a bit grumpy too and then you encountered another message that also annoyed you and that was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back and instigated your expressing your own grumpiness. My advice, given that you have already offered some amount of apology, is that you again apologize for the things for which you can offer a sincere apology and just not mention the things that you do not feel apologetic for and then ask everyone else to just drop it and stop commenting. Then we can be done with it. And let me ask on my own part right now that everyone else please stop commenting on the matter. That only draws it out.

On 4/22/2012 12:52 AM, Ali Al-hajamy wrote:
Pretty much. More specifically, I was making fun of this (seemingly America and possibly Canada only) notion that the best way to get things done, instead of respectful dialogue or mutual colaboration is to make as much noise as possible and throw as big a fit as you can, probably including lawsuit threats, and the misspelling is to suggest the stupidity of such a notion.

On 22-Apr-12 00:45, Emily Harrison wrote:

On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 9:18 PM, Sue Stevens <siss52@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:siss52@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Well, I just have to point out something.  Ali misspelled
    America, spelled it Uhmerika!  Or maybe he is intentionally
    misspelling it, to make fun of America?

Pretty sure the misspelling was deliberate. This sort of deliberate misspelling is meant to poke fun at the way uneducated Americans are perceived to talk. It's the sort of inflection which might not come out correctly through a screen reader program.

Emily Harrison
greeniebone@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:greeniebone@xxxxxxxxx>

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