[bksvol-discuss] OT: attention knitters

  • From: Carrie Karnos <ckarnos@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Bookshare Vol Group <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 20:21:04 -0700 (PDT)

I thought I'd let people interested in knitting know that I just uploaded a 
book by Debbie Macomber called A Good Yarn for admin approval.  It's about 4 
women friends who meet at a knitting shop to knit socks.  The pattern for the 
socks is included in the book, one pattern for 5 needles and one pattern for 2 
needles.  The pattern uses a strange kind of shorthand (can you tell I'm not a 
knitter?), but there's a list of abbreviations so if you know what you're 
doing, it should be understandable.
  Since this is a New York Times bestseller, I imagine Gustavo will approve it 
fairly soon.
  HTH, Carrie

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