[bksvol-discuss] Scanned PDF to Word: Document Conversion Website

  • From: "Chela Robles" <cdrobles693@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 12:00:56 -0800

Here's an effective free option for turning scanned text into digital text that 
can then be used with a wide range of programs and tools,  including 

Normally, creating useful digital text from the PDF files  made with standard 
flatbed scanners and their OCR software have yielded disappointing results.  
The results with ScannedPDFtoWord aren't perfect, but they are very very good. 

ScannedPDFtoWord does exactly what its name implies.  It converts scanned PDF 
documents to Microsoft Word (.doc) files.  The online conversion is quick, and 
the quality of the text is excellent when opened in Word.  The conversion 
process couldn't be easier, and registration isn't required. 

Simply upload the scanned PDF file and give an email address where you can 
download the converted file. Although the graphics were missing, once I opened 
in MS Word, the converted files retained original formatting.

Click this link to visit http://www.scannedpdftoword.com.

"If you go without playing the trumpet for one day, no one knows, two days, 
only you know, and more than three days without practicing, girl you better 
look out, because everyone will know!" 
Today, I find myself constantly saying those words, just to get myself going, 
to not give up, and it works. Since I learned to play the trumpet at the tender 
age of 10, I have spent so much passion and much diligence with that instrument 
that I will not give up on it. Sometimes my instrument puts me into awkward 
situations where I feel like they won't ever end, but the trumpet gives me a 
lot of hope with the majestic, crystal-clear sound it brings to my ears.
Chela Robles
E-Mail: cdrobles693@xxxxxxxxx
MSNWindowsLive Messenger: cdrobles693@xxxxxxxxxxx
Skype: jazzytrumpet

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