[bksvol-discuss] Sturgeon is done!

  • From: "Bob" <rwiley@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "bookshare volunteer discussion" <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 07:50:35 -0500

I am gloatingly, graciatingly grateful to report that the three Theodore Sturgeon books are finally in the collection with story titles still in tact. I'd like to summarize the process I went through to solve this particular problem. And many of you can rightfully say, "I told you so." I want to describe the problem and it's resolution while it is fresh in my fading memory in hopes it may assist others when confronted with a similar difficulty. Consider this a "lessons learned" message.

The problem. When looking at the three collections of stories by Mr. Sturgeon that had recently been put into the collection, I noticed that the story titles were all missing. Carrie was kind enough to send me the three books that were uploaded to the collection. These three books had story titles in tact. Therefore, the dreaded (expletives deleted) stripper was the culprit.

Solution1. I thought "well, the poor stripper needs something to strip besides story titles". So I globally changed all the page marks to paragraph mark, page break and paragraph mark combinations in the book. Unfortunately, when I sent the books back to be re-uploaded, they appeared with the story titles missing. Therefore, the stripper ignores mere paragraph marks at the top of a page and strips the next line instead. I am still unclear why the stripper doesn't strip non story titles top lines, but it doesn't.

Solution2. I went through the books and at the top of each page with a story title on it, I manually typed in the page number. This particular book had page numbers at the bottom of the page, and, for consistency sake, I probably should have moved all the page numbers to the top of the page. But, I am adverse to tedious work, so moved only the page numbers on the pages with story titles. When these books were uploaded to the collection, the story titles were in tact. Problem solved.

Lessons learned. I have developed a healthy respect for the filthy stripper. It is an awesome, but flawed tool. It attempts to strip repetitive text from the tops of pages, and, usually, does a pretty good job. It's the exceptions that cause the problem. Henceforth, when confronted with a book that has story titles or chapter headings at the top of the page, I will put the page number on a separate line at the top of those pages. this will be one of the automatic checks that I make when validating a book. In the documentation, this is called "protecting chapter headings". I never really knew what that phrase meant. Now I do.

Finally, and more importantly, I have learned that bookshare is not going to support us when we run into difficulties with this sort of problem. As volunteers, we are pretty much on our own. Despite calls for clarification on this problem by many of us here on this list, Carrey was the only staff member who responded to this problem, and she was as ignorant as I was about the cause. Butt, deep down, bookshare just flat doesn't care. Either they don't read this list, which is a shame, or they don't care, which is a worse shame.

I realize that we would most likely get more respect if we had a thirty million dollar grant to offer, but all we have is time to work on books, and a love of reading, and our pride in a job well done.

In one of my earlier posts I stated that I was not going to validate any more books until a staff member responded with some help on this problem. Sadly, I have come to the conclusion that this isn't going to happen, but this particular problem is solved, so it's back to validating for me.

My only question is, how many books are now in the collection with chapter headings stripped because the scannor and validator didn't know how to solve this problem? Hopefully none, probably some, but possibly many.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is
the only thing that ever has."--Margaret Mead

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