[bksvol-discuss] Re: Subject heading here

  • From: talmage@xxxxxxxxxx
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 08:23:28 -0400

Here, here! I totally agree with this suggestion.
This request has also spurred me to ask that folks also put what they are talking about in the body of the message, if the subject is long. Quite often if someone has been looking for a book, or announcing an upload, they put the critical information in the subject, but then don't mention what they are referring to again in the body of their message. After the space taken up by a long user name, and Re: [bksvol-discuss] the real subject matter gets truncated. It's then necessary to scroll back through the header after reading the message to see what the person is talking about.
I know this is only a minor inconvenience, but I cringe whenever I have to muddle through the header information searching for dates or subjects. I realize that I'm callous, but I don't really care what program created the message, what virus checking it has already been through, what priority it has, etc.
I certainly concede this is insignificant when compared with messages such as jokes that have been forwarded from friends which have already been forwarded umpteen times, and the ratio of header to message is in the ratio of 12 to 1. Getting them to strip the header from messages they forward however, is a project for another day.


At 03:16 AM 8/20/2004, you wrote:
---I'd like to suggest that when we  hit  "reply" to
send a message to the group, that if the subject is
going to be different from the one we're using to
reply, we change the subject heading. A reader who
isn't interested in a subject -- perhaps it's
technical or he/she doesn't have the problem mentioned
-- will delete it -- but maybe the actual content will
be of interest to that reader.


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