[bksvol-discuss] Re: editing with braillenote

  • From: "E." <thoth93@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 20:11:13 -0400

You are in general safer leaving the copies on your flash card, even the ones you are working on as an edit. I do not know why you lost the book. The more you translate back and forth to keyword and back to .rtf the more errors creep in due to grade two and one translation and so on. Please keep notes on what happens to you when you crash the braillenote and be as specific as possible. Please get in touch with official folks at PDI particularly those in New Zealand such as Jonathan if possible.

Please give PDI support all the input you can as specifically as possible. I am so frustrated at the data loss being experienced by braillenote users. Mind you, I love the machine but the rtf bugs need working out very badly.


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