[bksvol-discuss] Re: epub converter

  • From: "Chanelle Allen" <chanellem.allen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2012 12:49:09 -0500

Q-read will not read protected EPUB files, but I thought I heard that it was a 
goal for the software at some point. Stanza will also only recognize 
unprotected Epub files, but it is able to convert files into a variety of 
formats: Doc, RTF, PDF, Txt, HTML, etc. It does not have the bookmarking 
capabilities of QRead. I read a review of QRead which mentioned that it works 
great for some files or documents structured a certain way while other 
mainstream applications do better with other things. A review from the NFB 
Access Technology blog is posted below my name. However, Stanza works great for 
me so that I do not need to be tied to my computer to read. If one has an 
iPhone and the iBooks app, it is possible to convert books to EPUB with Stanza 
or some other converter and then put them on the phone. I'm sorry if this is 
too much information. It's great that there is more than one way to accomplish 
a task.


QRead is a new book reading solution being sold by Chris Toth, the blind 
programmer who is best known for creating the Qwitter client for Twitter (no 
longer in development) and the Hope client for Pandora Radio. It is intended to 
be a simple solution for reading a fair number of different file formats, and 
to provide bookmarking and search features within the text. As a great lover of 
books, and a devoted reader of eBooks, I sat down with the program to give it a 

According to the documentation QRead is capable of reading PDF, TXT, HTML, 
EPUB, zipped and unzipped Bookshare titles, Microsoft Office documents from 
Office 2007 or newer (.DOCX) and Microsoft Help files (.CHM). It is intended to 
automatically bookmark a user’s place as they read the book and remember that 
place every time the book is closed, even if the book is closed because of a 
crash of the program or the computer. Other highly useful features mentioned by 
the documentation include the ability to search forward or backward within a 
file, a manual bookmark system, which allows a user to have one temporary 
bookmark, and many “named” bookmarks, and compatibility with the major screen 
access software packages for Windows. 

In order to give the program a fair trial I collected a large number of 
different files to test its usability, and ran its major functions against 
NVDA, Window Eyes, and JAWS (All current versions). My first file was a PDF 
document containing links, headings, a captioned picture or two, a table, and a 
large amount of text. This is a very usable document in the Adobe Reader 
software with JAWS, so I expected that it would work well in QRead as well. 
When I opened the file in QRead, I discovered that the program essentially 
stripped all non-textual elements from the file, and presented nothing but the 
straight text to the user. In the case of this file, this actually caused a 
number of different problems. First, all traditional navigational elements such 
as links and headings were stripped from the file, which left me forced to use 
the find dialog to move to the beginning of the desired section of text, 
instead of the links and heading structure which were available in Acrobat 
Reader. Furthermore, QRead broke the structure of the file’s embedded table, so 
it was not clear in QRead, though it read quite well in Acrobat Reader. 
Finally, when I compared the two readers, I found that QRead left out the image 
descriptions which were found in the original text, so if a user has a 
well-formed PDF, it may be in their best interest to continue using Adobe’s 
Reader to consume it. One advantage that I found for QRead which must be 
mentioned is that it allowed for continuous reading of the document, which in 
larger files with Adobe is not advisable (or sometimes even possible) since all 
but the most powerful computers seem to choke in large PDF files when using 

The next file I attempted was a much less well-formed PDF. The text was 
available to JAWS, but there was no navigation embedded in the document, 
pictures were not mentioned, and the file was large and unwieldy. When this 
file was loaded into QRead, it came up quickly, and it was easier to traverse 
the document than in Acrobat, because of the bookmark, find, and percentage 
slider features, and the smaller impact on computer resources. So, for PDF, the 
program is a bit of a toss up. Whether or not QRead is the better option is 
going to depend on what you want to read, and how you want to read.

EPUB, .docx, DAISY, and HTML files are presented as plain text, just like the 
PDFs are. Specifically in the case of the EPUB, DAISY and HTML documents, this 
presentation strips useful features from the files, and acts as a real 
detriment to the reading process, though it does once again offer bookmarking, 
so when reading these types of files it is important to determine whether the 
ability to easily bookmark the user’s place is more important than to have 
access to navigational links and headings. For me, the answer is clear, I want 
the navigation, but each person has a different reading style, and different 

Text files work just as the user would expect. Since all files are read-only, 
this is a good solution if a user wants to read and copy bits of text from any 
of the aforementioned formats. The bookmarks do give a person a fair bit of 
power in creating their own navigational structure, and can even be used by a 
creative soul as a basic system of highlighting important information within a 
book. The percentage slider is a useful tool for moving quickly through a long 
document, or for finding out just how much longer that bit of assigned reading 
really is. Finally, the find command works well enough for traditional searches 
through the text, though some problems were encountered with this feature, 
which I will outline below.

I want to preface these remarks with the statement that I do understand that 
this is fairly new software which was programmed by one person, and it has 
already been updated once since its initial release. I expect that these 
problems will be rectified in time, but I discovered several problems with this 
software in its current form. While running QRead on a Windows XP SP3 system, I 
found that the program was prone to some random crashes, particularly when 
opening files. If other files were open at the time of a crash, there was about 
a 50/50 chance that the files would re-open upon launching the program, and 
whether or not those files would still have their automatic bookmark in place. 
Another problem that I found was that although there was an option for using 
regular expressions (a special set of syntax that allows for complex searches), 
my tests would cause the search box to not respond when I attempted to use 
them. In the same way, when searching backwards in a file, the search box would 
sometimes hang, and never give any indication of either finding or not finding 
a result. Looking specifically at the search box for a moment, it is important 
to note that this program is actually more accessible to screen access software 
users than it is to anyone using the screen visually (with or without 
magnification) because it is not possible to see or manipulate the buttons in 
that box without speech. I attempted to open a few files with the program that 
were not explicitly supported, such as an .rtf file, a .doc file, a zip file 
containing PDFs, an adobe protected EPUB (.acsm extension) and an EPUB 3 not 
because I expected them to work, but to simply see how the program handled 
errors and unsupported document types. It handled the .doc, .rtf, and the 
protected EPUB by not offering them in the file list in the open dialog box, 
which made a lot of sense. If the program cannot open the file, it’s just as 
well it not make it available by default. More interestingly, the EPUB 3 and 
the .zip file simply dropped me back in the main program interface without 
warning me that the file was not supported, or that it couldn’t be opened. It 
would be nice to have the program mention limitations like this when it cannot 
handle a document which is passed to it. Unfortunately, there were two document 
types which were supported according to the documentation which would also not 
open on my test machine, the Microsoft help files (.chm), and the zipped 
Bookshare DAISY files, though as of version 1.11 of the software the 
uncompressed files now open just as they should. Most of my testing was 
performed on version 1.0 of the software, and at that time, all Bookshare books 
were refusing to open, so as you can see, there has already been improvement in 
the program, and I only expect that to continue.

The bugs and limitations of the software do mean that it will not have as broad 
an appeal as it might, but QRead is becoming an interesting option for reading 
some books in certain file formats. It is my hope that there will be added 
support for RTF files in the future, as well as the older .doc format (This is 
a planned feature according to the website.) Whether or not this support is 
added, it will be a useful tool for reading some common file types, though it 
won’t be the only, or even preferred, tool for reading many of them.

From: Ali Al-hajamy 
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 9:36 AM
To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Subject: [bksvol-discuss] Re: epub converter

I believe she was referring to QRead, which can be found at:
It's going to cost thirty dollars, but there is a full-featured demo whose only 
limitation is that it will load thirty percent of your book, and you can 
associate it with EPUB files, as well as all the other formats it supports, so 
that you can press enter on a file anywhere in Windows Explorer and have it 
open in QRead.

On 25-Apr-12 09:59, Dan Beaver wrote: 

  A short time ago Monica told us about an epub converter program.  I thought I 
had saved that posting but I can’t find it now.

  does anyone still have it?


  Dan Beaver

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