[bksvol-discuss] Re: guidelines for submission fields - first draft

  • From: Carrie Karnos <ckarnos@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 20:18:31 -0800 (PST)

There are LOTS of author's names that need to be changed.  I'll make a list and 
give it to Marissa and Gustavo, since they are the only ones who can make 
changes like that.

siss52 <siss52@xxxxxxx> wrote:
There are some in the collection that need to be changed then..  And we are 
unable to do that.
Sue S.
P.S.  Maybe all of us should have a copy of the new instructions.  In case some 
of the policies have been changed such as the one today saying text could be 
converted to RTF.
----- Original Message ----- From: Carrie Karnos 
To: Bookshare Vol Group 
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 5:07 PM
Subject: [bksvol-discuss] guidelines for submission fields - first draft

After perusing the download list, it appears that we are desperately
in need of some guidelines about what to enter in the submission fields,
especially the author's name.

So, with permission from Marissa and Gustavo, here are guidelines for entering:
The title of the book-
  This one's pretty easy, although occasionally the title on the cover
  of the book will be different from the title inside.  Try checking the
  copyright page, to see what the official title is.

The author of the book-
  This one is horrendously messy, so it's been divided into several
  A) For each author's name, please
    1) put the first name first and the last name last
    Wrong: Ahl, Allison       Right: Allison Ahl
    2) drop all titles, honorifics, occupations, degrees, etc.
    Wrong: Dr. Bart Ball      Right: Bart Ball
    Wrong: Clara Crawl, MSW   Right: Clara Crawl
    Wrong: Senator Dee Dahl   Right: Dee Dahl
    Exception: if the title is part of the official name, leave it in
    Wrong: Seuss              Right: Dr. Seuss
    3) drop all commas inside a name
    Wrong: Fred Fall, Jr.     Right: Fred Fall Jr.
    4) keep periods after initials and Jr.
    Wrong: Gigi G Gall        Right: Gigi G. Gall
    5) put a space between initials
    Wrong: H.H. Hall          Right: H. H. Hall
  B) For multiple authors, please
    1) for each name, follow the guidelines above
    2) separate each name with a comma, not 'and' or '&' or '/'
    Wrong: J. James and J. Jones  Right: J. James, J. Jones
    Wrong: Kay & Ken Kent     Right: Kay Kent, Ken Kent
    Wrong: James/Jones/Kent   Right: J. James, J. Jones, Ken Kent
    3) do not use 'Va rious' or 'et al' or 'others' as an author, list all of 
the authors
    Wrong: Various            Right: B. Bell, D. Dell, F. Fell, G. Gell
    Wrong: James et al.       Right: J. James, J. Jones, Ken Kent
  C) For editors, compilers, adapters, translators, etc., please
    1) spell out his/her function after each name
    Wrong: L. Lay, M. May (editors)  Right: L. Lay (editor), M. May (editor)
    Wrong: Nan Nall (Comp)    Right: Nan Nall (compiler)
    Wrong: Edited by Olive Owl Right: Olive Owl (editor)
    Wrong: Trans. Peter Paul  Right: Peter Paul (translator)
  D) If the author's name is missing, please
    1) use the editors of the company that put out the book
    Wrong: None               Right: The Editors at the Walt Disney Company

The copyright author of the book-
  This one's also pretty easy, except for those cases where there is no
  copyright author listed.  In that case, use the author's name. Don't
  use the publisher's name, unless the company holds the copyright.

The copyright date-
  If there are several copyright dates of the book (NOT the copyright of
  the introduction or the illustrations or the short stories), then use
  the most recent date.

If you can think of anything else to mention, please let me know and I'll 
revise the list.  Maybe we can include the guidelines in our instructions to 
newbie volunteers.


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