[bksvol-discuss] Re: requirements VS guidelines

  • From: "Judy s." <cherryjam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2012 10:24:42 -0600

Ann, you can argue this until the cows come home, but the only things that are required are the ten items I listed, no matter how much you or I or any other volunteer feel that other things should be required. smile. So I suggest you storm the people that can change this, namely Bookshare staff instead of us fellow volunteers. Us volunteers can't make requirements of things that aren't requirements.

Judy s.

On 11/25/2012 6:54 AM, Ann Parsons wrote:
Hi all,

Hmmm, Judy, you do make sense, but I feel that in the matter of font sizes for headings in books which are the keys to accurate DAISY conversion, it is imperative that people follow these instructions. Matters such as putting stars to indicate scene changes and whether or not to change British quotations are indeed matters of preference, but adherence to standards for headings is something that must be done, or the DAISY conversion process will not occur. If we expect readers to be able to find True DAISY content and not a travesty, then we need to make at least these a standard that must be followed. It's too bad I'm not writing in French or I could express it very well. There are two verbs in French for the words One must do whatever. The first is Il doit que-- this means one should do whatever it is, e.g. you should send a thank you note when you get a gift. You should wear good clothes to church. The second is Il faut que-- this means it is necessary to, e.g. One must eat to live. You must stop at stop lights or get schmeered.

Il faut que you use the headings in the way they are listed in the manual or you won't get decent DAISY conversion. Il doit que you use stars between scenes in a chapter.

I only say this because I was, for a while, on a committee for ACB that was changing their old documentation over to DAISY, and while working on that project, I learned a lot about the DAISY conversion and why these headings are so important. Believe me, when you're actually attempting to put headings into a document and then run it through a converter, you come to this understanding in a big way! Can't tell you how many hours I spent readjusting heading sizes so that the bless conversion tool I was using would do what I wanted.

Ann P.

Original message:
Hi Ann,

While I agree with you in spirit regarding "how it's done", in fact
Bookshare has very few actual requirements on what a book must have to
enter the collection.  The volunteer manual, with few exceptions,
provides guidelines on what a book should have in terms of contents and
quality, and how it should be formatted, not requirements. smile.

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