[bksvol-discuss] Re: scanning help

  • From: "Monica Willyard" <rhyami@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2008 16:21:12 -0500

Hi, Georgina. When you read the pages, does the text make sense? The
reason I'm asking is that the "page complete" sound that Kurzweil says
may be colliding with another spoken prompt like the progress of the
recognition or the confidence thresholding. So your pages may be
complete after all. If Kurzweil has two messages to speak at the same
time, one of them just can't be spoken or it may be interrupted. I
find Kurzweil to be a little chatty during scanning, so I make some
changes in the verbosity settings. I have it play a chime when
scanning or recognition are complete, and I turn off the speaking of
the scanning and recognition progress. Kurzweil calls this disabling
the event. By doing this, I hear a chime when a page has been scanned.
I turn the page at that point and keep going. I do leave the
announcement for the confidence threshold turned on because it lets me
know if a page has scanned badly. I can easily fix it since I'm still
near that page in the book. I hope this helps you out.

On 12/20/08, Georgina <culmer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi All--
> I was wondering if anybody was scanning using an Epson 4490.  I'm having
> trouble getting all of the text on the page.  Sometimes Kurzweil wil say
> page complete, and other times it won't.  Is there some general settings I
> can use?  I'm wondering if the problem is the Kurzweil settings or could it
> be my scanner.  Thanks.
> --Georgina
> I'm not a pessimist just an optimist for the worst

Monica Willyard
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