[blind-philly-comp] Re: Fwd: New GuideConnect talking tech - find out more, have a free trial or join a US webinar

  • From: David Goldfield <david.goldfield@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: blind-philly-comp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2019 14:45:22 -0400

Thanks for passing this along, Ken.

I believe I last used Guide around 2012 or so and even received certification in its use although I've forgotten everything that I learned about that product. It was very nice and I have no doubt that it has only improved since I last used it. It sounds similar in many ways to Leasey Basic but Leasey is completely dependent on JAWS and so, without JAWS, Leasey won't work. Guide appears to be its own self-contained product. I may either join the webinar or, preferably, will listen to it later if it's archived.

David Goldfield, Assistive Technology Specialist WWW.DavidGoldfield.org
On 8/10/2019 3:57 PM, Ken Rolph wrote:

This may be of interest...

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*From:* Mary Jo Barry at Dolphin Computer Access <mj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:mj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
*Date:* August 7, 2019 at 1:00:11 PM EDT
*To:* <khplor@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:khplor@xxxxxxxxx>>
*Subject:* *New GuideConnect talking tech - find out more, have a free trial or join a US webinar*
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New GuideConnect talking tech - find out more, have a free trial or join a US webinar Effortless email, entertainment and internet - available now
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US GuideConnect <https://YourDolphin.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=dae3cbeb2bd1095f2aa1a88f9&id=ab1fda89f1&e=57341ef30f> is simple talking technology that enables those with a visual impairment, mild to moderate cognitive impairments and anyone who is aging, to compute with confidence! They can manage everyday life, stay connected to friends, family and community, and just have fun!

GuideConnect provides picture icons with one-tap access to all of the things people do most using a computer, without facing the obstacles of navigating the desktop, or opening individual programs and applications.

GuideConnect is designed for people who struggle with screen magnification. It provides voice input (using a microphone) and a number of other personal preferences. The best part is, users get to choose the type of technology they find most comfortable - laptop, desktop PC, touchscreen tablet, or TV box & remote.

GuideConnect laptop, desktop PC, touchscreen tablet + TV box & remote

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If you have lost your vision, or if you work with visually impaired seniors, you need information on the latest technology to help improve independence. In our GuideConnect 101 webinar, we’ll introduce you to GuideConnect; our talking digital assistant. GuideConnect offers older people with low vision or blindness simple internet access, full accessibility and lots of help. Join a webinar by clicking below:

Aug 20, 2019 10:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada) <https://YourDolphin.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=dae3cbeb2bd1095f2aa1a88f9&id=44f3ffe77a&e=57341ef30f>

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and "Meet GuideConnect"*

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