[fb-exchange] Dublin technology club Notes 23rd October 2023

  • From: "Stuart Haxell" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> ("stuhax")
  • To: fb-exchange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 16:23:35 +0100

Dublin technology club notes 23rd October 2023

Good morning, it's me, the notetaker, here from Cork to help with the Dublin Technology Club this week. So sit back and enjoy the read today.

9 participants 

Apologies received 

Some people had issues joining the Zoom meeting, but thankfully, they were able to get in after a few minutes.

Martin asked Cearbhall  about the email he recently sent about Andy Warhol. Martin said that it wouldn't open. Cearbhal clarified that it was an image file, so there was no text present in it. Martin mentioned that the Soul Noir event is taking place on the 1st of November. It's happening at the architects Center, in  Merian Square  in Dublin, near Pierce Station, between 1 and 2 o'clock. It's a celebration of Halloween. Martin said the people running the event created a number of spooky pieces for it. He was also testing both "Be My Eyes" and "Seeing AI recently. He was able to get "Be My Eyes" to tell him that there was Braille present on the package he was looking at and plans to test if it can be read.

Cearbhall found that Soundscape has been going offline whenever he uses it on data. Adrian said this is because they discontinued it. He advised him to try one of the alternatives. This led to a discussion of the different versions currently available: Voice Vista, Soundscape Community, and Soundscape from Scotland.

Good morning, it's me, the notetaker, here from Cork to help with the Dublin Technology Club this week. So sit back and enjoy the read today.

9 participants 

Apologies received 

Some people had issues joining the Zoom meeting, but thankfully, they were able to get in after a few minutes.

Martin asked Cearbhall  about the email he recently sent about Andy Warhol. Martin said that it wouldn't open. Cearbhal clarified that it was an image file, so there was no text present in it. Martin mentioned that the Soul Noir event is taking place on the 1st of November. It's happening at the architects Center, in  Merrion Square  in Dublin, near Pierce Station, between 1 and 2 o'clock. It's a celebration of Halloween. Martin said the people running the event created a number of spooky pieces for it. He was also testing both "Be My Eyes" and "Seeing AI recently. He was able to get "Be My Eyes" to tell him that there was Braille present on the package he was looking at and plans to test if it can be read.

Cearbhall found that Soundscape has been going offline whenever he uses it on data. Adrian said this is because they discontinued it. He advised him to try one of the alternatives. This led to a discussion of the different versions currently available: Voice Vista, Soundscape Community, and Soundscape from Scotland. 




The group then briefly discussed whether it would be beneficial to setup a whats app group for the tech clubs for anyone who may wish for quicker answers to questions. No conclusion was reached on this topic. 

The next discussion was about replying to the FB exchange list. It covered how to reply to the list so that you don't reply to an individual person. The options are to "Reply All" or make sure "FB Exchange" is in the "To" field.

The Visionaries Choir will be on the 29th of October from 8:30 to 9:30 in the evening on TG céathar

The keyboard shortcut to reply to an individual in email is Control+R; to reply to a group, Control+Shift+R is the shortcut. The group discussed the differences between an announcement list and a discussion list. The FB list is a discussion list, while an announcement list is one from which you may get advertisements. Mary said she uses Control+L as a different shortcut for replying.

Marti asked about audio description on television and wanted to know if it's accessible. The group discussed the differences between smart and normal televisions. She also spoke about "Seeing AI"; she used it recently in the Botanical Gardens and was absolutely shocked by how good it was. She also used it to read text off her television.

The notetaker had to leave at this point. Hope everyone enjoyed the read.


The Notetaker.

Sent from my iPhone

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