FRTM - Basket Time Front Range Toastmasters

  • From: Colette Smith <c34cutie@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "frtm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <frtm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2014 12:30:44 -0700

Good Afternoon Front Range Toastmasters,

Each District Conference Front Range Toastmasters puts together a basket
for the auction.  This helps to keep the costs of Conferences down to a
dull roar.

Normally Lori High would coordinate this but has passed it off to me and I
have been a last minute nelly on this task.

We had so much with our Movie Theme basket last time that we have decided
to use this theme once again.

Please feel free to contribute to our auction basket by bringing an item
I will be putting the basket together with the items.

Some Suggested Items:
Three DVDS
Old Time movie snacks such as Milk Duds, Bottle Caps, Twizzlers etc ...
Some full size or jumbo candy bars

Let me know what you'd like to donate so I can coordinate.
(If anyone has a nice basket they have but are not using and don't mind
donating it please let me know.)

Thank you all in advance for your consideration and generosity.


Colette Smith
Front Range Toastmasters
Cell # 720-422-8637

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  • » FRTM - Basket Time Front Range Toastmasters - Colette Smith