FRTM - Thursdays meeting

  • From: Ray <repezolt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: frtm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 21:11:21 -0600

Greetings Front Range Toasties: This Thursday's meeting is our annual officer election meeting. The current officers have examined the slate of proposed officers and have determined that none of the roles are contested. We should be able to conclude our elections with a vote to accept the proposed slate of officers. That has the capability of making for a real short meeting.

Because of the above circumstances, I have agreed to prepare and present a workshop from the Success Communications Series, "Mental Flexibility, Building Your Thinking Power". This is an advanced workshop that will help everyone. I will be doing the workshop as the final requirement for my Advanced Communicator Gold award.

From the manual, /"Building Your Thinking Power" is a program designed to help participants develop their creative thinking abilities." //
I reviewed the manuals and found that this can be a very fun program. Much of the program involves creative thinking and how we view different things. I think this could be alternately called "How to think like an investigator". I have been teaching these same skills for over forty years whenever I trained other investigators and security people. I just didn't have the program as prepared by Toastmasters.

I highly encourage you not miss this meeting. I am sure everyone will learn something and I guarantee that a good time will be had by all.

Ray Pezolt

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