[raspberry-vi] SSH From Windows

  • From: Chris Norman <chris.norman2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: raspberry-vi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2014 09:47:14 +0000

Hi all,
I recently came across one of the threads on this list that said about 
SSH on windows, and I was trying to find that thread to reply too, but 
couldn't, so here it is anyways.

I am actually using ssh.exe which comes from GIT... It works 
wonderfully, you can just ssh user@host like you can from the linux 
command line, and obviously git is nice to have too.

Here's the download link:


While going through the setup, when it asks about GIT Bash etc, find the 
radio button that says "Use GIT and associated utilities from the 
windows command prompt", or whatever it says, then it adds the right 
stuff to the path.

It's very nice, and gives you ssh, scp, (I think sftp too), and ls.

Probably other nice commands too, but I've not found them yet.

Cheers, and hope this helps someone.

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