[TN-Bird] Chattanooga Arboretum & Nature Center bird walk

  • From: Kyle Waggener <kylebirds1@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: TN Birds <tn-bird@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 15:54:22 -0700 (PDT)

Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton Co.

We had 13 people join us today for a fabulous day of birding at the nature 
center.  We encountered 63 species of birds including:

63 species total
X Canada Goose
X Wood Duck
X Mallard
X Wild Turkey
X Great Blue Heron
X Black Vulture
X Turkey Vulture
X Northern Harrier
X Cooper's Hawk
X Red-shouldered Hawk
X Broad-winged Hawk
X Red-tailed Hawk
X Rock Pigeon
X Mourning Dove
X Barred Owl
X Ruby-throated Hummingbird
X Belted Kingfisher
X Red-bellied Woodpecker
X Downy Woodpecker
X Northern Flicker
X Pileated Woodpecker
X Eastern Phoebe
X Eastern Kingbird
X White-eyed Vireo
X Yellow-throated Vireo
X Red-eyed Vireo
X Blue Jay
X American Crow
X Fish Crow
X Northern Rough-winged Swallow
X Purple Martin
X Tree Swallow
X Barn Swallow
X Carolina Chickadee
X Tufted Titmouse
X White-breasted Nuthatch
X Brown-headed Nuthatch
X Carolina Wren
X Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
X Ruby-crowned Kinglet
X Eastern Bluebird
X Wood Thrush
X American Robin
X Brown Thrasher
X European Starling
X Cedar Waxwing
X Prothonotary Warbler
X Tennessee Warbler
X Common Yellowthroat
X Northern Parula
X Pine Warbler
X Yellow-rumped Warbler
X Yellow-throated Warbler
X Eastern Towhee
X Chipping Sparrow
X Vesper Sparrow
X Song Sparrow
X White-throated Sparrow
X Northern Cardinal
X Indigo Bunting
X Common Grackle
X Brown-headed Cowbird
X American Goldfinch 

Other related posts:

  • » [TN-Bird] Chattanooga Arboretum & Nature Center bird walk - Kyle Waggener