[wdmaudiodev] Audio driver problem

  • From: Radosław Michalski <radek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wdmaudiodev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2005 22:57:54 +0200


I have write audio software driver. It is based on msvad simple driver from DDk,
but has only opne pin - microphone. 
I have registed it over audio, capture and topology interfaces. 
This driver is vbridge, and connect with other my driver and read from it data,
and put it in to PCM audio stream.

My driver works, I can record sound, but I must add to it voloume control. And
hier I have problem. I can't see volum control in SndVol32 program. 
I knopwn, that msvad  sapole has the same problem with capture pins.

My topology for the topology miniport looks:

microphone->volume control->mute control->mux control->topology miniport out

my wave miniport topology looks:
wave input->adc->wave out (PCM format)

I define phisical connection from topology to wave miniport based on analog
audio connection.

I try change mux control to supermix control (like in sb16 sample driver). I
try remove mux control. But this still not works correctly.

But when I add in KsStudio my filters separatly, ewrythings look fine. 

ps. Wher in windows registry i can add string, indentifcated by guid. I will
use it to add name for my microphone. 

ps2. I have serch arive, but i can't find answer for my question.

Best regards

Radek (new in the list)

Radosław Michalski

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