[wdmaudiodev] Newbie Question: How does WDM audio adapter get associated with a PDO?

  • From: "Jon Elliott" <machspam@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "WDM Audio Mailing List" <wdmaudiodev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 22:11:36 -0600

Please forgive my ignorance, but I'm new to WDM. I've read through the DDK docs 
and think I have a grasp of the whole WDM audio streaming driver/minidriver 
concept, but a PDO-related detail escapes me:

How/where is the PDO (Physical Device Object) created? If (as I'm guessing) 
it's done by the port class driver, then how does the port class driver come to 
know the association with the underlying audio hardware?

All the documentation and examples seem to make this appear "automagical"! Can 
anyone shed light on this for me?

Thank you!

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