[bksvol-discuss] Re: Adult Content

  • From: Roger Loran Bailey <rogerbailey81@xxxxxxx>
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 21:33:10 -0500

Well, I am a literal kind of person. I have been accused of thinking that an innuendo is an Italian suppository. I figure that when a person says something that is what they mean. Anyway, I still wonder why the talk is necessary. If questions are answered as they come up it should not be necessary to sit down and have a talk. I compared it to a sports event earlier. Suppose a parent is interested in baseball. That would probably mean that the television is frequently tuned to baseball games and the child will have exposure to baseball as he or she grows up. Eventually there will be questions about baseball and they can be casually answered as they come along. If the child develops an interest in baseball too there will likely be many talks in the form of conversation about it, but there will be nothing to dread. I suppose the older and more grown up the child gets the more sophisticated the conversations will get, but they will still be normal conversations as they come along. The growing up will come along whether you like it or not and it may as well be accepted. What would cause me the most anguish is the realization that as the child grows up I am getting older too. In fact, that little girl I mentioned earlier will be turning 32 in less than a month and it doesn't seem like very long since she was two years old. I think I will go and take my Geritol.

On 11/12/2012 4:17 PM, Dornetta wrote:
Stop taking my words too literally...not dreaded in the sense of not wanting to have the talk just dreading the talk because my baby was growing up...not my lil girl anymore...LOL
"Just because you are blind does not mean you lack vision"-Stevie Wonder

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