[bksvol-discuss] Re: I created a volunteer manual from the website - email me privately for a copy

  • From: Cindy Rosenthal <grandcyn77@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2015 13:25:52 -0800

Judy, I think that's wonderful of you and I'd like a copy. Even though I've
been proofing for many,many years there are always changes(indeed, some of
my things had to be redone as BSOs because I didn't know about some
navigation changes; and there are always things I forget I forget and
have to ask about. I have a Word file I've kept of things hat have been
posted by Madeleine and on the list --- It's titled "Footnotes, ellipses,
em dashes, etc. Would you like me to send it to you as an attachment ( I
can convert it to rtf or leave it a a Word file) in case there's anything
in it you can use?

On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 1:06 PM, Judy s. <cherryjam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi All,

At the start of 2015, after feeling as frustrated as everyone else, I
created an rtf document that contains everything that was in the
Bookshare's volunteer manual webpages at that time. Anyone who would like a
copy, please email me at: cherryjam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and I will send it
to you as an email attachment.

I hope to go through the website again this January and update that
document with any new information. When and if I do, I'll post about it
here and again make it available to everyone.

For a long time I have toyed around with creating a webpage that contains
all of the information that is posted on this list that hasn't made it into
the manual, sort of an unofficial volunteer FAQ on how to do scan and
proofread. I'm stalled on that because I haven't come up with a good way to
design it so it is easy to navigate without having everything heaped into
one big webpage, and at the same time easy for me to maintain. I don't want
to set it up into subpages that have to be waded through to find an answer
to questions that come up during volunteering because I hate websites that
force you to think the way the webpage designer did to find answers.

I have no interest in usurping or supplanting Bookshare's official
volunteer manual. Instead, I'm thinking along the lines of a website that's
sort of like the Dummies books, an unofficial "Volunteering for Dummies"
resource. There is a wealth of information within the volunteer community
on how we do this stuff. Having something like that might even help new
volunteers get their feet. I can't imagine trying to step into scanning or
proofreading a book nowadays, with what must feel like an overwhelming
number of things that have to be done to meet Bookshare's standards. It
isn't hard once you've figured it out, but it does have a big up front
learning curve that I suspect discourages many from volunteering.

Any suggestions or thoughts are gratefully accepted.

Judy s.
Follow me on Twitter at QuackersNCheese

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