[bksvol-discuss] Re: OT: The odd things people do

  • From: "Robert Riddle" <captinlogic@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 02:53:31 -0800

Who said they were intelligent. The world is full of idiots.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Natalie B. 
  To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 1:10 AM
  Subject: [bksvol-discuss] Re: OT: The odd things people do


  Someone else, Elizabeth I think, aslo pointed out that I should've just gone 
around. However, there was no way for me to get around. The sidewalk where I 
live is very narrow. I think my mother mentioned that some years back they 
chopped it in half to make the street wider. Plus, this neighbor I'm talking 
about has about three or four cars that he deliberately parsk on the street so 
that no one can park there. With the car flush on the sidewalk and my 
neighbor's huge, huge truck on my left, there wasn't an inch of space to get 
through. Despite my beagle not being a guide dog, there are some instances 
where if people park half on the sidewalk he will automatically go around, but 
he just stood there. I don't think even he could figure out a spot to squeeze 
through. The thing is, I'm not focused on my not being able to go around so 
much as I was annoyed that someone had the gall to park like that. It was 
illegal, wrong and very disrespectful to others who might have tried walking 
down my street at that moment.

  I guess what I'm getting at is that we have laws for a reason. Whether it's a 
blind person or a sighted person that comes walking down the street, we 
shouldn't be forced to walk on the street in the first place.

  I do hope this message doesn't sound offensive in tone or anything like that. 
I'm writing this late, and the frustration of the situation still lingers with 
me. I can't understand how intelligent people can be so inconsiderate.

  Take care,
  Natalie B. 
  "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
  courage to change the things I can,
  and the wisdom to know the difference."
  -Reinhold Niebuhr
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Robert Riddle 
    To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
    Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 10:47 PM
    Subject: [bksvol-discuss] Re: OT: The odd things people do

    All you had to do was go around the other way and get back up on the 
sidewalk. I do that all the time when people stash things like trash cans and 
cars on the sidewalk.
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Natalie B. 
      To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
      Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 9:38 PM
      Subject: [bksvol-discuss] OT: The odd things people do


      This evening I was walking my dog when I remembered an incident that 
happened to me about a year or so ago. Just thinking about it makes me upset, 
and I really need to share this experience with others.

      About a year ago I put my beagle on his leash, grabbed some poop bags and 
proceeded to exit my front gate. I didn't take my cane with me, as I've gotten 
into the habit of leaving it at home. I only go around the block, and know the 
area so well that it's not necessary. Anyway, I walked down the street and came 
to an abrupt stop. Putting out my hand, I felt in front of me and felt, to my 
utter astonishment, the hood of a car! At first I thought maybe my beagle, in 
the excitement of his walk, had gone vertical and I was facing the wrong way. 
But after trying to scoot around the car, but to no success, for I then came up 
against the side of my neighbor's truck, which is always parked on the side of 
the street. I was baffled. I had no idea what was going on, and since I 
couldn't go anywhere, I turned right around and went straight back home, much 
to the disappointment of my dog.
      When I got home, I asked my mother to call the neighbor, since this 
obstruction was mmore or less in front of his driveway. She made the call, and 
then informed me that the neighbor had been expecting a couple of people over 
to discuss some kind of business. And the fools had parked their compact car 
directly on the sidewalk. I mean, it was directly, full-on smack dab on the 

      Everyone, I cannot even begin to describe the irritation and annoyance I 
felt that someone could have been so rude, so unmindful of others, that they 
would deliberately park their car on a public sidewalk!

      To this day it still makes me annoyed, and even more so because no one 
had the opportunity to tell those people what they did was dumb and not to 
mention illegal.

      Natalie B.

      "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
      courage to change the things I can,
      and the wisdom to know the difference."
      -Reinhold Niebuhr

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