[bksvol-discuss] Submitted/nonfiction

  • From: "Deborah Murray" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "blinkeeblink@xxxxxxxxx" for DMARC)
  • To: <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2014 15:58:08 -0400

Hi all,


I've just submitted for proofing "Shattered Hopes: Obama's Failure to Broker
Israeli-Palestinian Peace" by Josh Ruebner.


It's been read and spell-checked. All headers stripped, page numbers/section
titles present/protected, footnotes formatted, fonts adjusted. Most words
flagged in K1000 ranked spelling are proper names or non-English words 

354 pages



President Barack Obama's first trip abroad in his second term took him to
Israel and the Palestinian West Bank, where he despondently admitted to
those waiting for words of encouragement, "It is a hard slog to work through
all of these issues. " Contrast this gloomy assessment with Obama's optimism
on the second day of his first term, when he appointed former Senate
Majority Leader George Mitchell as his special envoy for Middle East peace,
boldly asserting that his administration would "actively and aggressively
seek a lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians. " How is it that
Obama's active and aggressive search for progress has become mired in the
status quo? Writer and political analyst Josh Ruebner charts Obama's journey
from optimism to frustration in the first hard-hitting investigation into
why the president failed to make any progress on this critical issue, and
how his unwillingness to challenge the Israel lobby has shattered hopes for
peace.   Written in a clear and accessible style by the advocacy director of
a national peace organization and former Middle East analyst for the
Congressional Research Service, Shattered Hopes offers an informed history
of the Obama administration's policies and maps out a true path forward for
the United States to help achieve Israeli-Palestinian peace.




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