[bksvol-discuss] Re: kursweil and optimized scanning

  • From: "Evan Reese" <mentat1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2006 20:02:59 -0700

Well, optimize scan means the best quality the software can manage. it doesn't imply perfection. Also, even if you are making sure the book is flat, it can still miss some words or parts of words near the spine unless you bend it pretty hard. That is my experience at least. I have scanned three books so far with K1000, and the junk characters almost universally come at the spine of the book, even though I am making a valiant effort to make sure the book is as flat as possible. I have the book oriented so that the top of the book is at the left of the scanner, scanning in two-page mode. Even though I am doing my best to flatten the book, I still sometimes miss a small word, or a part of a larger word. The junk characters tend to appear on the lefthand pages in the earlier portions of the book, disappear altogether in the middle of the book, and then reappear on the righthand page in the later portions of the book. They are almost always of a vertical nature, exclamation points, ones, semicolons, i's and so on. Also, I get tabs and new lines in the middle of paragraphs sometimes. This is on optimize scan, as I said. The last two books I scanned were fairly long, though, being over 500 pages. I think the OCR is confused by the vertical line of the spine, and puts these characters in as a result. Short of chopping the book, I am doubtful of eliminating these characters entirely, and perhaps even chopping the book will not guarantee that you won't get junk characters. Earlier this summer, Carrie and Elizabeth were talking about a book that contained them, even though Carrie had chopped it before scanning it. If you are getting junk characters in other parts of the line, it may be that your scanner needs a cleaning. I do not get them except at the edge of the spine, as I have described. Where are you getting the junk characters?

Also, sometimes the print changes from one part of the book to the next. I optimized the latest book I have scanned using pages 15 and 16, and the brightness went to 54. About 30 pages later, my confidence level started going below the threshold I had set of 98 on several pages. So I optimized again, and the brightness went up to 67, and my confidence levels went back up above 98.

Borrowing an idea from a couple of people on the K1000 list, I scan repeatedly using scan and recognize instead of scanning and recognizing later, thereby getting instant feedback if my scans start coming out below the confidence level I set. This alerts me that there is something about the text that has changed; I can check it out immediately and see what's up. If it is just a page or two, it may just be a chapter heading or a section heading that doesn't scan well. But if it happens more than a few times, then that means the print has changed in some way, and I can check it out and reoptimize. It worked on the last book I scanned. What is your confidence level set to. If it is at the default of 95, then in my opinion that is too low, and I would put it up to at least 98. This will ensure that your scans are of better quality, although not perfect quality, of course. Even a scan with a confidence of 96 or 97 can have a good number of errors. I'm still experimenting with K1000, and I may bump up the confidence setting even higher on the next book and see how it goes.

Hope some of this is useful.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Agape Pet Sitting/Laura Ann" <agapepetsitting@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "bksvol-discuss-freelists.org" <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 5:22 PM
Subject: [bksvol-discuss] kursweil and optimized scanning

hi guys,
If I am scanning a book in Kurswiel and I optimize the settings so it scans with optimized settings loaded,
why would the book have some junk symbols and left out a few words here and there?
It is a book novel no pictures.

What else can I do to insure a clean high quality scan?

appreciate any advice.
Laura Ann

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