[bksvol-discuss] Re: no place on the list {was: Re: Off-topic discussions was RE: Re: Some proofing questions}

  • From: "Judy s." <cherryjam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2012 23:06:04 -0600

And forgot to add, this is me just pondering out loud--not at all meant as a criticism of you personally, Dasha! smile.

Judy s.

On 6/7/2012 10:35 PM, Judy s. wrote:
Unfortunately, Dasha, "just don't read them" when it comes to the current high volume of off-topic posts, especially when they aren't labeled as such. doesn't work.

A large number of us who volunteer do this amidst many other things we do as well. Having to wade through scads of off topic posts, even to just discard them without reading them, becomes very time consuming. It takes away from our time to do those things and reduces our time to as well volunteer.

Judy s.

On 6/7/2012 8:25 PM, Dasha Radford wrote:
  my suggestion to those people who have problems with off-topic posts don't 
read them! To the rest of you who would rather the subject lines be changed or 
made it more specific I'll do my best on my end but I'm not going to promise 
anything. If for some reason any message it doesn't happen don't jump down my 
throat. I have enough stress in my life without being forced to handle this on 
my own. I like you guys and I appreciate the support but please do realize that 
an off-topic thread is not going to kill the listserv. It's not like we spend 
our lives discussing little else. In fact if anybody's interested I'm about 
ready to start proofreading my first book. Expect more about that in the very 
near future since this is my first one and I'm working with a rather ancient 
computer that may or may know behave.

Sent from my iPhone

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