[bksvol-discuss] obtaining a registered copy of k1000

  • From: "E." <thoth93@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 03:59:40 -0400

I apologize if my previous posts on the subject offended somebody. I wrote attempting to be as honest about k1000 as I know how to be. I personally have used k1000 since 1995.

I have never known of an individual who gave away his or her licensed copy. Perhaps others have. I do know k1000 sometimes gives away copies to students. I know they sometimes give copies away as prizes at national conventions, i.e. ACB NFB CSUN AER and so forth. I know they do not, at present, offer the kind of pay as you go to buy program which, say, GWmicro offers with Window-eyes. I also know they sometimes extend the time limit on their demo version though apparently Amy ran into unpleasantness at Kurzweil when asking about this. Personally, nobody at k1000 has been unpleasant to me but I am sure these things do happen.

I know people who have obtainee copies with the support of local Lions Club or church groups. They usually need to write and explain the benefits to them of using k1000. Apparently, Amy had no luck in this area so far though she might in the past. I know various states have programs to assist those too old to be in the work force (read over 55) and folks have obtained equipment that way. AFB assures me it happens all the time. Their list of Resources under a link called, charmingly, "resources" on their site, lists resources (surprise?) by state.

expensive or even inexpensive from a government agency will probably, realistically, take a long time. I personally do not know about how local churches or Lions Clubs do in terms of prompt action but suspect it will require dilligence, and the willingness to put down on paper the need, what one has done so far and the benefits of having a particular piece of software or hardware.

I now come to the end of my personal experience and will let others input what they can.

All the best and again I am sorry if I angered or saddened anybody somehow.


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