Re: [ConstellationTalk] Entities, Attachments--Summary & More Thoughts

  • From: Deborah Gavrin Frangquist <choices@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ConstellationTalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 12:57:39 -0800

Thank you very much for this, Michael. Comprehensive and very thoughtful.

Deborah Frangquist

On 2/15/2017 10:17 AM, Michael Reddy michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [ConstellationTalk] wrote:


It's been a long time since I posted here, and I'm late to this discussion.  Apologies for that.  A lot of important points have been made in this thread:  
  • you tend to receive as client problems what you can handle or are being asked to learn more about; 
  • there is personal risk involved in dealing with some energies; 
  • there are different kinds of attachments which do not "belong" in a person or family's field; 
  • there are diffferent traditions and rituals for dealing with them; 
  • some clients who think there are attachments have instead normal systemic issues.

Thanks to all who contributed.
But I agree with Elmear that this issue of "entities" is showing up more and so will say a few things.  I think the increase right now involves the fact that the struggle for the fate of Mother Earth is reaching certain climactic points.  So it's important.  
Like Liz and Laure and others, my training in these matters preceded involvement with constellations.  It took place during and after an apprenticeship to indigenous and mixed blood teachers 1986-93.  Part of the "training" involved being attacked and surviving.  What follows relates to my ways, and things may be different for other workers.  it is long but perhaps of value.
In my experience there are different kinds of attachments ranging from
  • relatively benign to highly malevolent, 
  • and from unintelligent energy forms spun off by ritual or perticularly intense loves or hates 
  • to highly conscious and sophisticated beings.  
  • and also at times just extremely strong archetypes or "curses" with long histories affecting some family

Examples of the last one can be found in Schutzenberger's THE ANCESTOR SYNDROME.
Yes some entities are simply human souls who failed to transition after sudden death.  Not all atachments are probematic.  A couple of my shamanic teachers had strongly attached "helpers."  Sometimes a grandmother hangs out in the field of a beloved granddaughter until her own issue is resolved and her descendant has been helped past some obstacle.  A twin lost in the womb or at birth will stay with his or her sibling at times
I don't see the human soul so much as a distinct thing, but rather more of a diffuse energy field with central parts that deeply "belong" and more peripheral parts that have collected in various ways for better or for worse.  There are various kinds of psychic symbiosis.  This in my mind is similar to situations in family systems at times.  For instance, a man's living or lost combat buddies become part of the family system, but at times not to the same degree as parents, children, etc.
The most comprehensive book written about entitities and attachments to individuals that I know of is William Baldwin's SPIRIT RELEASEMENT THERAPY--which i recommend if you are a reader.
Personally, I won't undertake this kind of work in an open workshop, but only either in private or with an advanced group of helpers. It can be too frightening for others in the workshop.  And fear is often the first inroad to attachment.  It is very important not to spread fear in talking about these things.  We all have psychic immune systems.
If something truly foreign and problematic is active in the field of a person or ancestral family, it can typically only be there by virtue of unhealed traumas that it can exacerbate and feed off of.  So the general form of a clearing involves 
  • work healing the traumas (attachment points), 
  • separating the outside energy temporarily, enough to determine if the client is truly willing to let it go, 
  • moving the outside energy on its way (if the client so chooses), 
  • and filling the void it left in the client with local positive as opposed to outside negative energies.  

Not all necessarily all in that simple linear order.
Christian excorcists it seems felt their job was to send a malevolent outside energy "to hell"; new age practitioners tend to try to send the energy "into the light."  The function of me and the angels and totems that support me in this work is offer a choice.  It an energy wishes to enter the light, we can do ritual and help.  If it's fate is to continue to spread pain and thereby challenge others to grow, then it may depart.  But it cannot stay here.  
We do not "command," in our way.  We simply present a force of compassionate love and light and establish a "thou shalt not cross barrier."  Then there are various rituals to to cleanse and make sure that barrier remains secure afterwards.
This involves a metaphysics in which, as some here have said, light exists at the center of everything, and darkness has its sacred role in challenging the universe to evolve.  Malevolent ones are "the dark teachers" to us.  Extremely nasty sometims, but still just teachers.  
One way to conceptualize the more malevolent entities is to imagine beings that have been multiply retraumatized.  I think of them as layer upon layer of dashed hopes and bitter losses around the same wounding.  So much so that their only solace is to spread their pain as much as possible.  The goal of the truly malevolent ones with respect to you the healing facilitator as well is not to be helped out of their hole, but rather to pull you in with them. 
I repeat what others have said:  not everyone can or should undertake heavier aspects of this work.  Personally, it has been costly for me at times and at times I can't do any more of it for a while.  I regard it as a calling, not so much something one decides to do, and it can be a rough road at times.  Still, given the world in its present state of crisis, I think more of us have to be willing to walk this path.
But it also follows from all this that facilitators might find themselves perfectly capable of dealing with some forms of attachments, while  best referring others elsewhere.  An innocent lost human soul attached in confusion may be very grateful to be aided in going into the light, for instance.
Sending love and energy to this group, even though I have not been around for a while.
Michael Reddy, PhD, CPC, ELI-MP michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   610 469 7588 Relieving Chronic Emotional/Physical Suffering using Family Constellations | Core Energy Coaching | EFT | Shamanism

On Feb 2, 2017, at 9:45 AM, jack blackwell travelerjbjb@xxxxxxxxx [ConstellationTalk] <ConstellationTalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Robert, with due respect,

I've got a client who has wanted to die for much of 16 years because his entire life is being impacted by something he does not understand. Since he was 8 years old. Every aspect of his life is severely marginalized.

I don't understand it because our society shuns conversations about it. The cultural story is that these things are non-existant or dangerous. So I have posed the question and am learning.
Am I concerned about working with an energy like this, absolutely. Am I concerned for representative safety, absolutely. Do I want whatever is effecting my client to attach to someone else in the room, no.

I am fine with my fears, though I am not sure I would call them borderline.

And from this thread I realize that I will refer this client out and I am developing a healthy respect for these energies and am open to seeing them as lost rather than dark. Though there may be some truth in them being dark or malevolent.

Sincerely, Jack

Jack Blackwell (720) 458-5363
Connecting Spirit & Psychology ~ Creates Profound Insights & Healing
Family Constellation Workshops & Trainings, Group & Private Therapy Offerings Learn more here:

From: "Robert Grant erebees@xxxxxxxxx [ConstellationTalk]" <ConstellationTalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "ConstellationTalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ConstellationTalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2017 5:08 AM
Subject: Re: [ConstellationTalk] entities, dark forces, attachments, etc & Family Constellations

  Dark Entities.   The corrosive effect of fear on human consciousness seems to be manifest is this thread about entities. I do feel and consider it is of utmost importance to respect, allow and not deny feelings and experiences however irrational or borderline they may be. It is no surprise to witness facilitators becoming personally overwhelmed by delusional, trauma and fear driven imagery. Luckily the main game is to give some space, voice and acceptance to all this elements in our psyche. What a wonderful field to play in.   Best wishes to all, Robert

On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 1:01 AM, Nancy Tung nancytung88@xxxxxxxxx [ConstellationTalk] <ConstellationTalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
  I am following this thread with great interest. Thanks for bringing it up, Jack!
When I was new in Constellation, I was quite fearful of dark entities because I would not know what to do with them.
As my experience grew, I noticed they are energies in need of been seen, heard, and a place to belong just like the rest of us. When their needs are met, they turn benevolent and peaceful. 
I would be interested to learn from Laure how to de-posses without using words for the client. Thank you very much!
Nancy Tung RN Holistic Wellness Practitioner Helping people liberate from their chronic pain and let life blossom!

On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 9:07 AM, Laure Porché laure.porche@xxxxxxxxx [ConstellationTalk] <ConstellationTalk@> wrote:
  Hi Jack,
My experience is, if this shows up repeatedly for you, it's probably because you have the capacity to hold that specific Field. I agree with Anngwyn in the sense that if the client is asking specifically for depossession, it is better to refer him to someone who does that outside of constellation (I have names if you need them). But I find that very often for me (and probably because I am trained in this), possession issues show up in constellations without the client being aware of what is going on. In this case, I do the depossession via the constellation, without necessarily using the word with the client, as it can be traumatic.
Since you seem to be attracting a lot of these cases, I would recommend taking Betsy Bergstrom Compassionate Depossession training if you're not already trained in this. She's also a trained FC facilitator. I'd be happy to talk more about this in private if you wish. My email: laure.porche@xxxxxxxxx or phone 3476065526 Blessings,

On 01/02/2017 08:00, jack blackwell travelerjbjb@xxxxxxxxx [ConstellationTalk] wrote:
  Over the past 8 months, since I've opened my mind a bit more, I've had a number of clients approach me regarding entities and feeling they had beings/entities attached to them.

I'm cautious about working with these forces. Though I do believe Constellations can help.

Do any of you have experience working with these issues and if so what results have you experienced?
How do you create a safe enough space to work in these realms? For the representatives too? (I'm concerned about representatives carrying these energies)
I want to be of service and I believe constellations can help, but I have to make it safe enough for all concerned. This is my top priority.

Thank you for your input


Jack Blackwell (720) 458-5363
Connecting Spirit & Psychology ~ Creates Profound Insights & Healing
Family Constellation Workshops & Trainings, Group & Private Therapy Offerings Learn more here:


Deborah Gavrin Frangquist
Career Consulting, Changework, Executive Coaching
415-346-6121; mobile 415-642-0225

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