RE: [ConstellationTalk] transference of symptoms between siblings

  • From: "Ulrike Danks" <ulrikedanks@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ConstellationTalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2007 16:43:12 +0800

Dear all,
I was just browsing the internet in pursue of a particular FC topic, when I came across a paragraph that surprised and touched me as it could relate to our family.

Here is the paragraph from a German interview of Stefan Hausner by Marianne Franke published on Stefan's website
'Ich habe auch immer wieder erlebt, wenn sich ein Geschwister aus einer Verstrickung löst, es manchmal ein anderes Kind aus dieser Familie plötzlich schwerer hat oder sogar die Symptome übernimmt: Das findet man vor allem dann, wenn die Eltern, aus welchem Grund auch immer, sich dem ausgegrenzten Thema nicht stellen können.'

english Translation:
'I have expereinced again and again, that when one sibling resolves an entanglement for him/herself, sometimes another sibling of this family suddenly has a hard time or even takes on the symptoms: You find that particularily when for whatever reasons the parents are not able to address the excluded issue'

This appears to be the case in our family, where my sister (having had several cancer scares) and myself ( having been through treatment and recovery) have after much work and soul movements disentangled ourselves from our father's/parents fate's and have a brother, who is now very sick with cancer. Being familiar with the particular systemic entanglement, that led to the female siblings dis-eases, I know that my brother is also entangled in a very similar way.

Has anybody experienced similar fates or encountered them in their work? I want to say that I am at peace with my brother's fate, and (not but) his pain and fear touches my heart and makes me feel closer than ever to him.
I have not heard before about this particular possibility of tranference.
With gratitude to all of you for the many rich learnings I receive via this forum.


Ulrike Danks
Systems and Family Constellations WA
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