FRTM - Friendly Reminder - RE: Officer Campaign / Election - Nominations are Due - Friday - Dec 2, 2011

  • From: "Barrett, Kathy" <Kathy.Barrett@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 16:41:42 -0700

Good Afternoon Front Range Toastmasters - 


This is your friendly reminder that Officer Nominations are due this
Friday - Dec 2, 2011 . . .


Thank you to all who have submitted nominations ... I encourage the rest
of you to please take a moment to submit a nomination for a member in
our club or nominate yourself . . Please see the original e-mail below
as a refresher . . . 


Thank you so much and have a great rest of your day!



Kathy Barrett, CC, ACB, CL

VP- Education - Front Range Toastmasters

kathyrbarrett@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:kathyrbarrett@xxxxxxxxxxx> 

720-338-0279 - Cell





Kathy Barrett
303 575 8455

R N L  |

1050 17TH STREET, SUITE A200    DENVER, CO 80265
T 303 295 1717   F 303 292 0845
Please consider the environment before printing this email. 


RNL on Twitter <blocked::>
RNL on Facebook


From: Kathy Barrett [mailto:kathyrbarrett@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2011 10:03 PM
To: Barrett, Kathy
Cc: 'Luke Vesely'
Subject: FRTM - Officer Campaign / Election - Nominations are due -
Friday -Dec 2, 2011





An Important Message from two (2) of Your Club Officers:

  -  Secretary - Luke RECAPtivating Vesely and VP-Education - Kathy
Club-Schedulin Barrett . . .


Hello Front Range Toastmasters - 


As promised this is your e-mail explaining - The Front Range
Toastmasters - Officer Campaign Election!  


Full participation for the Nomination Process is highly encouraged . . .

The more participants who get involved the more fun this event can be -
and WE KNOW how much our Club Loves to have FUN!!!  Set a Goal - Just Do


Please read the information below and let us know if you have any
questions . . .  


Have a Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


Kath & Luke . . .

Front Range Toastmasters Club - Officer Campaign / Election

Term - January 1 thru June 30, 2012

Officer Positions . . .


*      President

*      Vice President - Education

*      Vice President - Membership

*      Vice President - Public Relations

*      Secretary

*      Treasurer

*      Sergeant at Arms


Detailed Descriptions for each Officer Role is listed at the end of this
e-mail . . .


Who is eligible to be an officer?

*  Any Member of our Club 

*  New or Seasoned...You are eligible!


Please see the chart below 

*  Nominate Members for one or all positions or

*  Nominate Yourself for one position 

*  Send Your Nominations back to Kathy Barrett by December 2, 2011


Note - You can actually write in the boxes below by Replying to this
e-mail . . .


Officer Role






Nominate Member(s)


Nominate Myself


Pat Haugse




VP - Education

Kathy Barrett




VP - Membership

Amelia Autrey




VP - Public Relations

Pat Sanchez





Luke Vesely





Dirk Kittredge




Sergeant at Arms 

Adam Vesely





* Not Eligible to Run for this Particular Office during the next Term -
January 1 thru June 30, 2012

If you are Nominated by someone else . . .
You will be notified immediately by Kathy Barrett to Accept or Decline
the Nomination

*      If you Choose to Accept or Nominate yourself - All candidates
will need to follow these guidelines . . .

o       Please Select one person in the club to be your Teammate

o        Your Teammate will deliver a 2-3 minute campaign speech on your

*         You can write this speech yourself or

*         Ask your Teammate to write it for you or co-write with you

o       For Agenda purposes please let Kathy know who you Select to be
your Teammate


*      For the Nomination process please send your e-mails ONLY to Kathy
Barrett at kathy.barrett@xxxxxxxxxxxxx - Thank You . . .



Timeline . . .


Submit Nominations via e-mail to Kathy Barrett now thru...

December 02 - Friday

Campaign Speeches @ Civic Center in Training Room

December 15 - Thursday

Election via e-mail begins / Ballots will be sent out

December 16 - Friday

Ballots / Votes - Due to Kathy Barrett 

December 22 - Thursday

Announcement of New Officer Team will be sent via e-mail

December 30 - Friday

New Officers to be Inducted in to their Officer Role

January 5, 2012 - Thursday



Detailed Descriptions for each Officer Role . . .


President - Current:  Pat Haugse

As president, you are responsible for providing the supportive club
environment members need to fulfill their self-development goals, for
making sure that members benefit from the Toastmasters educational
program, and that the club recruits new members and retains current

The Club Leadership Handbook <>
describes the following standards more fully and explains how to carry
them out.

Outside the Club Meeting:

*         Attend district-sponsored club officer training 

*         Ensure club officers meet officer and meeting standards 

*         Ensure the club meets basic standards 

*         Analyze and evaluate your club's strong and weak areas with
the executive committee 

*         Oversee the plan to achieve DCP goals 

*         Encourage communication and leadership development by
promoting CC, AC, CL, and AL awards 

*         Ensure the club has an ongoing membership building program 

*         Attend and vote your club's proxy at district council meetings
or authorize a club member to do so 

*         Attend the Annual Business Meeting at International Convention
and vote your club's proxy or 

            send an authorized delegate or alternate 

*         Oversee administrative operation of the club in compliance
with the Club Constitution and Bylaws 

*         Maintain relationships with the district and with Toastmasters

*         Schedule and chair monthly executive committee meetings 

*         Arrange for a replacement if unable to attend a club or
executive committee meeting 

*         Search for leaders, ensure all club offices are filled for the
succeeding term and conduct timely 


*         Prepare your successor for office 

At the Club Meeting:

*         Ensure the meeting starts and ends on time 

*         Make sure guests are warmly and enthusiastically welcomed and

*         Allow time before and after the meeting to speak with guests 

*         Discuss the Distinguished Club Program (DCP) and the club's
progress and achievements in it 

*         Recognize member achievements in Toastmasters and in their
personal lives 

*         Report on the "Moments of Truth" the club is achieving (Visit 


Vice President Education - Current:  Kathy Barrett
Maintaining the Toastmasters educational program

The office of vice president education is a critical office in a
Toastmasters club. The Toastmasters educational program depends on the
vice president education to carry out the club's mission. 

As vice president education, you are responsible for providing and
maintaining the positive environment and the programs through which
members can learn and grow. If you do your job well, your club will have
satisfied members and will continue to grow. Your efforts also will help
the club become a Distinguished Club, which should be an annual goal. 

The Club Leadership Manual <>  describes
the following standards more fully and explains how to carry them out.

Outside the Club Meeting:

*         Attend district-sponsored club officer training. 

*         Plan club meetings, completing schedules and assignments at
least three weeks in advance and 

            confirming each schedule five to seven days before the

*         Promote participation in the educational program. Get
commitment from members to earn the 

            next level of achievement and track their progress toward
these awards. 

*         Orient new members to the Toastmasters program within two
meetings after they join. 

*         Assign every new member a mentor. 

*         Attend club executive committee meetings and preside when the
president is absent. 

*         Attend district council meetings and vote the club's proxy. 

*         Vote at international business meetings. 

*         Arrange for a replacement if unable to attend a club or
executive committee meeting. 

*         Prepare successor for office. 

At the Club Meeting:

*         Ask each new member to be a Table Topics participant at the
first meeting after joining. Assign him 

or her to a meeting role at the third meeting or earlier, and assign the
Ice Breaker manual project at the fourth meeting or sooner. 

*         Ensure a club member conducts The Successful Club Series
programs Evaluate to Motivate, 

            Moments of Truth, Mentoring and Finding New Members for Your
Club at least once per year. 

*         Monitor club performance quarterly in cooperation with the
club president. 

*         Initial Speakers' Project Completion Records and ensure
eligible members fill out their award 


*         Preside over the meeting when the president is absent. 

When members are ready to apply for an educational award you can submit
award applications online:

*         Login <>  

*         Go to the Members Site 

*         Click on Club Central link on the left-hand side 

*         Choose the club you would like to work with 

*         Click on Apply Education Awards 

You also can print award applications and submit them by mail or fax.

*       CC Award Application <> 

*       AC Award Application <> 

*       CL Award Application

*      AL/DTM Award Application <> 


Vice President Membership - Current:  Amelia Autrey

Building and maintaining club membership

As vice president membership, you - with your membership committee - are
responsible for building membership and ensuring a strong membership
base by satisfying the needs of all members. Your job is vital to the
growth and success of the club. 

The Club Leadership Handbook <>
describes the following standards more fully and explains how to carry
them out.

Outside the Club Meeting:

*         Attend district-sponsored club officer training. 

*         Conduct ongoing membership building programs and efforts.
Promote the goal of one new 

member per month and, if the club has fewer than 20 members, achieving
20 members by year end or sooner. Promote club and Toastmasters
International membership-building programs and conduct a minimum of two
formal club membership programs annually. 

*         Follow up on and keep track of guests, new members and members
not attending meetings. 

*         Explain the educational program to all prospective members,
get their commitment to join and 

collect membership applications. Bring the applications to the club for
voting and, if the members are accepted, collect dues and fees and give
them to the treasurer with the applications. 

*         Attend club executive committee meetings. 

*         Attend and vote at area council meetings. 

*         Arrange for a replacement if unable to attend a club meeting. 

*         Prepare your successor for office. 


At the Club Meeting:

*         Greet guests and have each complete a guest card. 

*         Report on current membership, promote membership campaigns and
welcome new members. 

*         Work with the president and vice president education to ensure
each new member is formally 

            inducted at the first meeting after being voted in by the

*         Help guests wishing to join complete the membership

*         Speak with fellow members to determine if their needs are
being met. 


Vice President Public Relations - Current: Pat Sanchez

As vice president public relations, you are responsible for coordinating
an active public relations and publicity program. Your efforts help to
attract new members. Your job is vital to the growth and success of the
club; your efforts help to attract new members.

The Club Leadership Handbook <>
describes the following standards more fully and explains how to carry
them out.

Outside the Club Meeting:

*         Attend district-sponsored club officer training 

*         Protect and publicize the Toastmasters International brand 

*         Promote the club to local media 

*         Maintain a club website 

*         Join a Toastmasters-moderated social networking website 

*         Produce and distribute a club newsletter, preferably via email

*         Promote membership programs 

*         Attend club executive committee meetings 

*         Attend other Toastmasters events 

*         Arrange for a replacement if you're unable to attend a meeting
and for assistance if necessary 

*         Prepare your successor for office 

At the Club Meeting:

*         Announce upcoming events and programs 

*         Gather information for the newsletter or website by asking for
story contributions or covering 

            club news 

*         Greet members and guests 


Secretary - Current: Luke Vesely

Record keeping and correspondence

As secretary, you are responsible for keeping clear and accurate records
of club business, including membership records and correspondence with
Toastmasters International's World Headquarters and others. 

The Club Leadership Handbook <>
describes the following standards more fully and explains how to carry
them out.

Outside the Club Meeting:

*         Attend district-sponsored club officer training. 

*         Maintain accurate membership roster and give it to treasurer
to submit with dues. 

*         Submit new club officer list to World Headquarters within 10
days after elections via Web site or 

            mail. Also, submit any changes to club officers immediately
to WHQ. 

*         Handle general club correspondence. 

*         Keep club files, including the club charter, Constitution and
Bylaws, minutes, resolutions and 


*         Attend club executive committee meetings. 

*         Arrange for a replacement if unable to attend meetings. 

*         Prepare your successor for office. 

At the Club Meeting:

*         Record and read meeting minutes. 

*         Greet members and guests. 


Treasurer - Current: Dirk Kittredge

Bookkeeping and financial reporting 

As treasurer, you are responsible for keeping clear and accurate
financial records of club business and for seeing that the club remains
financially stable. 

The Club Leadership Handbook <>
describes the following standards more fully and explains how to carry
them out.

Outside the Club Meeting:

*         Prepare a budget to be approved by the executive committee and
membership within one month 

            of taking office. 

*         Provide the bank with a new signature card by July 1/January

*         Prepare and send dues statements by August 15/February 15. 

*         Collect and pay dues to World Headquarters by October 1 and
April 1, and work with the vice 

            president membership to contact members who have not paid

Pay Dues Online: 

o    Login <>  

o    Go to the Members Site 

o    Click on Club Central link on the left-hand side 

o    Choose the club you would like to work with 

o    Click on Pay Dues 

*         Submit new member applications and dues to World Headquarters
within 48 hours of receipt. Add 

            new members online. 

*         Pay bills as due. 

*         Keep records of all financial transactions. 

*         Present verbal and written financial reports quarterly

*  October 15, January 15, April 15 and July 15 

*         Submit club accounts for audit. 

*         Attend club executive committee meetings. 

*         Attend district-sponsored club officer training. 

*         Arrange for a replacement if unable to attend a meeting. 

*         Prepare successor for office. 

At the Club Meeting:

*         Receive completed new member applications and dues. 

*         Announce when dues are due and explain dues structure. 

*         Greet members and guests. 


Sergeant at Arms - Current: Adam Vesely

Keeper of club properties 

As the sergeant at arms, you are responsible for maintaining club
properties, arranging the meeting room and welcoming members and guests
at each meeting. 

The Club Leadership Handbook <>
describes these standards more fully and explains how to fulfill them.

Outside the Club Meeting:

*         Attend district-sponsored club officer training. 

*         Schedule the meeting location. 

*         Maintain club equipment and check after every meeting to
ensure adequate supplies are available. 

*         Attend club executive committee meetings. 

*         Arrange for a replacement if you are unable to attend a club
meeting or if you need assistance. 

*         Prepare your successor for office. 

At the Club Meeting:

*         Arrange the room and equipment at least 10 minutes before the
meeting begins. Make sure the 

lectern is in place, the banner displayed, evaluation forms and ballots
distributed, awards, product guide, progress chart and educational
material displayed, place cards arranged and name badges available. 

*         Greet members and guests and arrange for guests to sit with

*         Greet visiting officers and escort them to the club president.

*         Arrange for food service at meal meetings. 

*         Ensure the meeting starts on time. 

*         Collect ballots and tally votes for awards. 




Kathy Barrett, CC, ACB, CL

VP- Education - Front Range Toastmasters

kathyrbarrett@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:kathyrbarrett@xxxxxxxxxxx> 

720-338-0279 - Cell



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Other related posts:

  • » FRTM - Friendly Reminder - RE: Officer Campaign / Election - Nominations are Due - Friday - Dec 2, 2011 - Barrett, Kathy