[ibis-macro] IBIS-ATM teleconference - Agenda for 6/23/2009

  • From: "Muranyi, Arpad" <Arpad_Muranyi@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "IBIS-ATM" <ibis-macro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 08:09:13 -0700

Time:  June 23, 2009  Noon  US Pacific Daylight Time

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1) Opens
   - Arpad:  Add a suggestion for clock_times calculation algorithm
             to the IBIS-AMI specification?
2) Call for any related patent disclosures
3) Review of ARs:

Todd: Update the BIRD for IBIS S-parameter box based on
      feedback from discussion

Any other AR-s?

Old ARs:

- Arpad:  Write parameter passing syntax proposal (BIRD draft)
          for *-AMS models in IBIS that is consistent with the
          parameter passing syntax of the AMI models
          - not done

- TBD:    Propose a parameter passing syntax for the SPICE
          [External ...] also?

- Arpad:  Review the documentation (annotation) in the macro libraries.
          - deferred until a demand arises or we have nothing else to do

4) "Time check" for meeting our goal to introduce the first version
   of the specification at the DAC IBIS Summit.

5) Finish our discussion on the IBIS-Interconnect-SPICE document
   on topics marked with "further discussion needed".

  - We need to decide whether to eliminate all references to HSPICE
  - We may want a more limited character set
  - Some SPICEs may have problems with certain characters
    - For example, the minus sign in node names
  - Walter marked this for later discussion

- Walter: We will not support .OPTION EXPMAX
  - Arpad: That might be an issue
  - Walter: We should discuss the option needs of simulators
  - Arpad: Will our subckts need to specify options?
    - Michael M: We should not allow that
  - We should discuss this once we are sure what EXPMAX is intended for
- Walter: PARHIER is not supported
  - Arpad: This might break some legitimate circuits
  - Walter: Agree, this needs discussion
- Rules regarding multiple definitions of the same parameter:
  - Walter deleted "or .OPTION statement"
  - Also deleted the sentence about simulator warnings

- Walter: We will not support user defined functions
- Some built-in functions are also deleted:
  - val
  - relational operators
- Walter: HSPICE has at least 2 conditional mechanisms:
  - The .if/.else mechanism
  - Operator conditionals
- Bob: Did we keep the conditionals?
  - Walter: No
- Arpad: We should keep the ternary operator
  - Walter: Then we need the conditionals too
  - Mike L: This can create non-linearities
    - Walter: But it is evaluated statically
- Bob: Conditionals are used only in expressions

- We will have to discuss the section on Library Integrity
  - It gives rules that are useful

6)  Comment on the latest document Walter distributed


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Other related posts:

  • » [ibis-macro] IBIS-ATM teleconference - Agenda for 6/23/2009 - Muranyi, Arpad