[ibis-macro] IBIS-ATM teleconference - Agenda for 7/14/2009

  • From: "Muranyi, Arpad" <Arpad_Muranyi@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "IBIS-ATM" <ibis-macro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 08:31:24 -0700

Time:  July 14, 2009  Noon  US Pacific Daylight Time

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1) Opens
2) Call for any related patent disclosures
3) Review of ARs:

Arpad:  Send message to ATM reflector and ask Ambrish at Cadence
        whether Model_Specific was intended to be optional
        - done (Answer: yes)

Arpad:  Write a clarification BIRD to discuss accuracy issues
        related to the various AMI clock_tick algorithms in an
        IBIS-AMI DLL
        - not done yet

Todd: Update the BIRD for IBIS S-parameter box based on
      feedback from discussion
        - not done yet

Any other AR-s?

Old ARs:

- Arpad:  Write parameter passing syntax proposal (BIRD draft)
          for *-AMS models in IBIS that is consistent with the
          parameter passing syntax of the AMI models
          - not done

- TBD:    Propose a parameter passing syntax for the SPICE
          [External ...] also?

- Arpad:  Review the documentation (annotation) in the macro libraries.
          - deferred until a demand arises or we have nothing else to do

4) Review, and get approval on the power point presentation for the
   IBIS Summit at DAC

5) Ask for comments on the latest version of the Interconnect Spice
   document that I would like to be able to post on the IBIS WEB site.
   (Todd has sent an e-mail to Synopsys to get their approval to do
   this and to get any Copyright that they would like included).

6) SiSoft will present an outline on the AMI BIRDs that SiSoft and IBM
   are working on.


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Other related posts:

  • » [ibis-macro] IBIS-ATM teleconference - Agenda for 7/14/2009 - Muranyi, Arpad