[ibis-macro] IBIS-ATM teleconference - Agenda for 8/11/2009

  • From: "Muranyi, Arpad" <Arpad_Muranyi@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "IBIS-ATM" <ibis-macro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 10:42:46 -0700

Time:  August 11, 2009  Noon  US Pacific Daylight Time

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1) Opens
2) Call for any related patent disclosures
3) Review of ARs:

Walter: Investigate requirement for "DC=" on V element in HSPICE

Mike L: Change web page to make items easily linkable
        - in progress

Arpad:  Write a clarification BIRD to discuss accuracy issues
        related to the various AMI clock_tick algorithms in an
        IBIS-AMI DLL
        - not done yet

Todd: Update the BIRD for IBIS S-parameter box based on
      feedback from discussion
        - not done yet

Any other AR-s?

Old ARs:

- Arpad:  Write parameter passing syntax proposal (BIRD draft)
          for *-AMS models in IBIS that is consistent with the
          parameter passing syntax of the AMI models
          - not done

- TBD:    Propose a parameter passing syntax for the SPICE
          [External ...] also?

- Arpad:  Review the documentation (annotation) in the macro libraries.
          - deferred until a demand arises or we have nothing else to do

4) Final review of IBIS-ISS document so we can release it for review
   by the IBIS Open Forum

5) Discuss IBIS-AMI improvement topics, planned BIRDs, etc...


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Other related posts:

  • » [ibis-macro] IBIS-ATM teleconference - Agenda for 8/11/2009 - Muranyi, Arpad