[ibis-macro] Reduced flow diagram (#9) based on 6/29 ATM teleconference

  • From: "Muranyi, Arpad" <Arpad_Muranyi@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "IBIS-ATM" <ibis-macro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2010 15:50:55 -0700

Hello everyone,

Attached is a new flow diagram (#9) and a new BIRD draft which
are based on the comments made in the 6/29 ATM teleconference.
Due to the elimination of the "TTT" case in the TD simulations,
the total number of cases were reduced from 16 to 9, but since
there are only 4 unique equations in these 9 cases, the truth
table contains only 4 rows now.

Unfortunately, these simplifications did not solve the problem
with the case when there is optimization in the Rx Init function
in the presence of Tx GetWave.  For this reason (and an earlier
request that was made to eliminate any de-convolutions from the
flow) I kept the dual input for Rx Init in this flow diagram.
This flow will support optimization in Rx Init (also in Tx Init)
without the need for de-convolution in any of the combinations.

I modified the text of the BIRD draft to reflect these changes,
and added two more paragraphs to the beginning of Section 2 based
on the comments from Anders to clarify the situation when there
is a duplication of algorithms in Init and GetWave, and to explain
the reasons for the dual input impulse_matrix for Rx Init.

Please study the drawings and the BIRD text carefully because I
would like to discuss this in the upcoming ATM teleconference on
Tuesday and have closure on this if possible.



Other related posts:

  • » [ibis-macro] Reduced flow diagram (#9) based on 6/29 ATM teleconference - Muranyi, Arpad