[raspberry-vi] Setup questions.

  • From: Nick Adamson <nick@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: raspberry-vi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 21:31:08 +0000

Hi all
Well my pi arrived a couple of days ago and it's taken a while to get it in to 
a state i can SSH in to it. 
I'm recording a series of podcasts about the pi and I'd like to see if I've got 
everything right before recording. 
With that in mind would anyone mind answering some questions for me. 
1. Noobe, the setup image the raspberry-pi foundation provide can not be used 
without ssh or with sighted assistance. Is this right?
2 I tried to right both the latest raspeen image and the accessible image to 
the ad card using roadkil but both images failed to boot even though they 
seemed to get written OK. Did I do something wrong or does the pi have to go 
through the noobe setup process before you can load images like this. 
3. How can I back up an image to my pc if I want to try a new image?

Thanks for any help. I'd be happy to help update the getting started guide with 
my findings if that would be use full. 

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