[Va-bird] Request for assistance - recordings of migrating Mourning Warbler songs

  • From: Jay Pitocchelli <jpitocch@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: va-bird@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 9 May 2017 09:34:55 -0400

I am writing once again to ask the birding community for recordings of Mourning Warbler songs during spring migration.It is an opportunity to participate in a Citizens Science Project with two specific goals.1) Evaluate the use of birdsong as a new tool for studying bird migration. 2) Determine whether different song populations of Mourning Warblers (Western, Eastern, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland) migrate together or separately to their respective areas of the species’ breeding range.This posting is for year three of this project.I am making substantial progress and want to thank everyone who has contributed so far.

All you need to contribute is a smartphone with a voice recording app and some luck. The web page link below describes the project and how to make recordings on your Smartphone in more detail (note - I have also been able to make recordings from videos that birders have sent me).

MOWA song mapper


Here is a link to the recent national Audubon Society story on this research.

Audubon Society reporting


If you manage to get some recordings, please send them to the Mourning Warbler Sound Lab (jpitocchATanselm.edu).I would really appreciate your help and contributions to this Citizens Science Project.

Dr. Jay Pitocchelli

Biology Department

Saint Anselm College

Manchester, NH 03102

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