[bksvol-discuss] Re: American Versus British

  • From: Ann Parsons <akp@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2019 10:56:57 -0500

Hi all,

Good, I'm glad to be proven right. I left the punctuation and the British spellings in the last book I did for you, Deborah. All I did was change font size for the chapters.

Larry, what I'm hoping is that you still have the original scan, and that you can work with that instead of having to revamp your working file. Just ditch the working file and make a new one from the original scan.

That brings me to a tip which may or may not have been put in the manual, though it ought to be. When I proof, I make a working copy from the original download file, call it something new and use that as my working file. Why? Because if you make a horrible mistake that affects the whole manuscript, then all you do is ditch the working copy and go back to the original and make a new working copy. It came in mighty handy just two weeks ago when I was bedeviled by a gaggle of elipses. I tried to fix them in "one swell foop" as my dad used to say, but my fix resulted in elipses consisting of six or seven dots! I deleted that working file and went back to square one, recopied the original file and I just checked the blessed elipses one-by-one. Elizabeth Moon loves her elipses! Need I say more...?

Ann P.

Ann K. Parsons
Portal Tutoring
EMAIL:  akp@sero.email
Author of The Demmies: http://www.dldbooks.com/annparsons/
Portal Tutoring web site:  http://www.portaltutoring.info
Skype: Putertutor

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