[Va-bird] Crewes Channel, Henrico, VA

  • From: Barbara Houston <rinksyd@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: va-bird@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2011 21:04:16 -0400

So I took my camera to work today, hoping to get off early and maybe swing through Dutch Gap....but that didn't happen. I came out of the office a bit before 5 and looked up...overhead is an immature bald eagle....soaring above me, looked really beat up. I grabbed my camera and took a couple shots, but the sun was awful and not good for pictures...I put my camera back in the car and notcied my lucky hat in the backseat. It was Friday afternoon, my hair was in my face, so I grabbed my hat and put it on. I looked up the river and saw the Benjamin Harrison Bridge sitting open, so I decided to go the long way home down 295. Since I had my lucky hat AND my camera, I decided to swing by Crewes Channel....and I am so glad I did.

As I pulled up, I immediately noticed the flock of about a dozen Egrets scattered about the middle of the channel. They spooked a bit and moved around some...but stayed there. I parked and turned off the truck and put down the windows. I got my camera out of the back seat and grabbed my binoculars and started scanning. First thing I saw were a group of three White Ibis towards the back near the Egrets. Way too far away for decent pics, but still good to see them. I then started near me and scanned the edge of the channel....one Sandpiper up close, behind him, a group of five Raccoons...momma and four young in the edge of the marsh....cute little things. Then scanned some more, a few turtles, a Killdeer, more White Ibis....and then a white-tailed deer in the back...and ten feet from him, an adult Bald Eagle! This is just too cool I thought....

It was an amazing hour sitting there watching all of these animals co-exist together...not bothering anyone, just feeding and moving around. Another immature eagle flew over, as well as several other birds around me including a Grey Catbird, Blue Herons, Bluebird, Blue Grosbeak, Tufted Titmouse, Chickadee, Cardinals, Red Breasted Nuthatch, Blue Gray Gnatcatcher, and several Yellowthroats.

The sun was not great for pics, but I took a few.....I think the not so hot afternoon had everyone out and about. On the way home, I saw several hawks, turkeys, and other birds out as well.


have a great weekend all.
Barbara Houston
New Kent, VA

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