Non-profit Organizations

Technology-based organizations general organizations

ListRank: 4ListRank: 4

Timberland Hills Homeowners' Association News

News about the Timberland Hills Homeowners' Association, in Milton, FL, utilizing internet technology to communicate items of interest to all members with email access and to encourage the use of the internet by those new to it and to computers.

ListRank: 4ListRank: 4

Kommunale Planung fuer Drohnenverkehr

Die Liste dient der Diskussion, welche Planungen, Regulierungen und Gesetzesinitiativen Kommunen angehen muessen und wie diese angeschoben werden koennen, um den zunehmenden Drohnenverkehr in Staedten zu kanalisieren, sinnlose oder regelwidrige Einsaetze zu verhindern bzw. sinnvolle Verkehre zu ermoeglichen und die anstehenden Bundesregulierungen/-gesetze aus kommunaler und Einwohnerinnensicht zu beeinflussen.

ListRank: 4ListRank: 4


eXtinction Rebellion coimbra team mailing list For those in Coimbra, Portugal who wish to join in and support direct action & civil disobedience regards the climate crisis the world faces today.

ListRank: 4ListRank: 4

La Rete dei Volontari di Monterotondo

Il fine di questa mailinglist e' di rendere piu' semplici le comunicazioni tra' le varie associazioni che fanno parte della "Rete dei Volontari" di Monterotondo. L'idea e' di usare un singolo indirizzo per scambiare opinioni, commenti, informazioni. Organizzare eventi, incontri. La partecipazione alla lista e' libera e non moderata.

ListRank: 4ListRank: 4

Epsilon Theta Chapter of Eta Kappa Nu

This mailing list is designed for announcements and organizational news by the members of the Epsilon Theta chapter of Eta Kappa Nu, the Electrical and Computer Engineering honor society at Cal State Long Beach

ListRank: 4ListRank: 4


Discussion and planning forum for members of Umeas cykeljunta in Sweden. We are interested in repairing bicycles together and learning from and with each other.

ListRank: 4ListRank: 4


Blog updates of to its readers.

ListRank: 4ListRank: 4

Mailingliste des NYC-HH

This mailinglist is dedicated to encourage the members of the Neulander Yacht-Club, Hamburg, Germany, to use computers on board of their boats for navigation including electronic seacharts and GPS, logging, mobile communication and internet access.

ListRank: 4ListRank: 4

JCLA-Relay For Life 2011-12

A list created for the members of the 2011-12 JCLA intake planning the Curtin Relay for Life.

ListRank: 4ListRank: 4

La Comuna

La Comuna it is a large group of people building a community from the ground, currently we have more than 4,450 followers on FB. We are working with citizens from Guatemala, who have decided to participate generating community power to generate social and political change at each municipality starting with Guatemala City. Somos personas comunes, comunidades y colectivos que hemos decidido promover la formacion politica ciudadana, ante poniendo la eica en la politica, ejerciendo un legitimo derecho ciudadano, para construir una participacion amplia, honesta, transparente, diversa, incluyente y horizontal donde se dignifique la condicion humana y su entorno, en la ciudad de Guatemala. Somos personas que proclamamos el sentido comun del bien comun, a traves de la construccion colectiva.

ListRank: 4ListRank: 4

UP organization

Mailing list of non government and non-profit organization supporting new IT technology's in education. C# and .NET are ours priority, we also plan to discuss about the Polish Linux Distribution (PLD) development progress.

ListRank: 4ListRank: 4

Scrum Gathering

This mailing list is for Regional Scrum Gathering China

ListRank: 4ListRank: 4


Discussing sustainability, permaculture, resilience and more in the San Geronimo Valley

ListRank: 4ListRank: 4


This list is for the CharitySA community, supporters and non-profit organisations in South Africa.

ListRank: 4ListRank: 4

GSTH Members

Gopher State Treasure Hunters Email List

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