[bksvol-discuss] Re: clearing out line breaks

  • From: "E." <thoth93@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 02:48:58 -0400

Cindy I need a set of find and replace commands which get rid of hypens and end of line breaks without getting rid of those which follow periods. So far I have not been able to do a find and replace for say ". end of line break" or ". followed by space and end of line break" They simply do not show up in the search. I am sure this was formatted for braill output or a display by the number of linebreaks and hyphens which appear in the middle of sentences. I cannot go through the book and delete them by hand. It will take much too long.

At 12:41 PM 8/13/2004, you wrote:


I'm not sure what you're working in -- if it's
something like Kurzweill that I know nothing about. In
Word or rtf, I simply delete th hyphen and the word
closes and either stays on the first line or goes to
the second line. If the word is hyphenated at the
bottom of the page I either move or write in the last
half to the page the first half is on or vice versa
(remembering to delete the half that remains if I've
written the half instead of moving it).

With misplaced page breaks (and I've come across them
often, in tis book and others), I blacken and delete
them just as I would a word or character -- and put in
the break where it belongs.

I hope  I've been clear and not  confusing.


--- "E." <thoth93@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I have a file here which has unnecessary line breaks
> and  breaks of -
> linebreak.  It seems to have been formatted for a
> printout or something
> with necessary hard line lengths imposed.  Is there
> some easy way to get
> rid of the line breaks without removing them from
> the ends of
> paragraphs.  (They show up as ed sign p on
> braillenote).  Anyway to get rid
> of the apparently end of line hyphens which break up
> words.  The hyphens
> have linebreaks with them too.

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