[bksvol-discuss] Re: Requirements for acceptance -- the bottom line

  • From: "E." <thoth93@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 03:13:09 -0400

I almost totally do validating rather than scanning. perhaps what I ask below is asking a lot. I am, however, concerned about the following patterns which occur a lot. Perhaps someone can talk about how to set a scanner so they appear less often. The reason I keep harping on folks getting better scanning software (that is the new upgrades) is that some of these scanning settings can then be set by the scanning software illiminating these patterns.

rn for m as in bam for bar, cornputer for computer, cornmande for command, n or bum for burn
m for rn resulting in comer for corner
space hypens in the middle of words particularly names such as Eliz -abeth or Eliz -abeth
large chunks of garbage text where diagrams should be which sometimes causes the braillenote to crash during validating
I for 1 resulting in i8i5 for 1815
1 for I resulting in 1 am instead of I am

A validator get gets rid of these using find and replace judiciously of course. It still takes a lot longer to do this than it does to get the scan right in the first place.

Finally remember those who scan get about three fifty worth of credit per scan. Validators get fifty cents per validation. Not a big point but certainly one which demonstrates the dedication of validators.

Even use of rank spelling could mean some of these errors can be fixed before the book is uploaded to the step 1 page. If I can use rank spelling to fix cornmand into command so can a volunteer scanning a book.


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