[ddots-l] Re: Got my laptop back up and running

  • From: "Mike Tyo" <mtyo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <ddots-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 00:01:37 -0500

Very very very well articulated. I've never used on-line backup services, and I sure as hell don't plan on doing it any time soon. Since you work with this computer stuff on a daily basis, you know what you're talking about. It's getting to the point where you just can't trust anything on-line these days. You can't be sure if you can stay out of the woods when you go to a so called trusted or secure Web sight to download sounds, patches, or other music related data. I've been cloning drives for some time now and keeping the data in a safe place so I can have full access to it if and when I need it. I don't think you can stress the importance of this stuff enough any more. It's great to have people such as yourself on this list. So you just keep doing what you're doing.


----- Original Message ----- From: "D!J!X!" <megamansuperior@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ddots-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2015 20:29
Subject: [ddots-l] Re: Got my laptop back up and running

When you say you own your own server, you mean under your control in your house or some physical location that only you can access? Otherwise, if you mean you are paying a company to reserve a dedicated server for you, you might as well just pay less for an online backup service; it's really no different.
Online backups have always been a bit of a touchy subject, especially after the whole NSA scandal, and how nobody trusts companies anymore, after all the documented info was release about how all these encryptions are questionable at the least and backdoor access to most major companies' network infrastructures and servers. Take for example how vendors are rushing to stop using sh1 encryptions and certificates by 2016 because of all the recent compromises. All that to say, if you hope to keep any chance of privacy, store your data somewhere where only you have physical control over it. Unfortunately, one drive, google drive, iCloud or any other service, including dropbox and its similar variants don't really cut the bill. Even if you rent a dedicated server at a hosting site (which is really a virtual machine on a multiload server), you don't have physical access, and you don't even know how well that company gards your data and what exploits they are not even aware of that they are suffering from. And if you say, I encrypt my data, so I'm ok, unless you use super heavy encryption and the latest standards, you could just be wasting time. Ask Sony how well their encrypted stuff held up against hackers? lol

I could go on and on about cyber security and other topics that could help explain further, but that would be way off topic. But if I could advice anyone about it, for serious stuff, stay away from online backup. Take it from someone who works with computers and IT security and is up to speed on most of this stuff. Don't believe the promises, everyone thought RSA512 was impregnable, until NSA proved otherwise ;)

Regards, DJX
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