[ibis-macro] Re: Private copy of BIRD100.2 for rewiev

  • From: "Mike LaBonte (milabont)" <milabont@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <arpad.muranyi@xxxxxxxxx>, <ibis-macro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 12:57:29 -0500


I'm glad I read the BIRD because I understand it better now. So I think
it is well worded. Comments:

1) The introduction does not mention that this BIRD affects both the
approved IBIS spec as well as another BIRD. A formality, but it should
mention that BIRD91.3 is affected.

2) Some of the lines changed in the BIRD91.3 section have nothing to do
with the new keywords. For example, this picture seems to just change
from using exclamation to pipe:

|                           +===================+
|                           !    "Model Unit"   !
|         D_receive     ---<!     AMS code      !--- A_puref
|                           ! D_to_A and A_to_D !--- A_pdref
|         D_drive       --->!    conversions    !--- A_signal
|                           !    provided by    !--- A_pcref  
|         D_enable      --->!    model author   !--- A_gcref

|                           !                   !
|                           +===================+
|                     Model Unit consists only of AMS code

|                      (a_gnd and a_extref are not shown)
| Figure 5: AMS Model Unit, using an I/O buffer as an example
|             +===================================================+
|             !                    "Model Unit"          +-------+!
|             !  +--------+                              |       |!
| D_receive --!-<| A_to_D |--< (analog receive ports) --<|       |!--
|             !  +--------+                              |       |!
|             !                                          |       |!--
|             !  +--------+                              | SPICE |!
|   D_drive --!->| D_to_A |--> (analog drive ports)   -->| code  |!--
|             !  +--------+                              |       |!
|             !                                          |       |!--
|             !  +--------+                              |       |!
|  D_enable --!->| D_to_A |--> (analog enable ports)  -->|       |!--
|             !  +--------+                              |       |!
|             !                                          +-------+!
|             +===================================================+
|         Model Unit consists of SPICE code plus A_to_D and D_TO_A
|              (references for D_to_A and A_to_D converters not shown)
| Figure 6: SPICE Model Unit, using an I/O buffer as an example

|*                           +===================+
|*                           |    "Model Unit"   |
|*         D_receive     ---<|      AMS code     |--- A_puref
|*                           | D_to_A and A_to_D |--- A_pdref
|*         D_drive       --->|    conversions    |--- A_signal
|*                           |    provided by    |--- A_pcref  
|*         D_enable      --->|    model author   |--- A_gcref

|*                           |                   |
|*                           +===================+
|*                     Model Unit consists only of AMS code

|*                      (a_gnd and a_extref are not shown)
|* Figure 5: AMS Model Unit, using an I/O buffer as an example
|*             +==================================================+
|*             |                    "Model Unit"        +--------+|
|*             |  +--------+                            |        ||
|* D_receive --|-<| A_to_D |--<(analog receive ports)--<|        ||--
|*             |  +--------+                            | A pure ||
|*             |                                        | analog ||--
|*             |  +--------+                            |  I/O   ||
|*   D_drive --|->| D_to_A |-->(analog drive ports)  -->| buffer ||--
|*             |  +--------+                            | model  ||
|*             |                                        |        ||--
|*             |  +--------+                            |        ||
|*  D_enable --|->| D_to_A |-->(analog enable ports) -->|        ||--
|*             |  +--------+                            |        ||
|*             |                                        +--------+|
|*             +==================================================+
|**      Model Unit consists of SPICE, VHDL-A(MS), Verilog-A(MS) code
|**                        A_to_D and D_TO_A converters
|*            (references for D_to_A and A_to_D converters not shown)
|* Figure 6: An analog-only Model Unit, using an I/O buffer as an

In fact, some * lines look unchanged, and only 3 lines look like they
need to change.

That's all, it's very nice.


-----Original Message-----
From: ibis-macro-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ibis-macro-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Muranyi, Arpad
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 3:42 PM
To: ibis-macro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ibis-macro] Private copy of BIRD100.2 for rewiev

Hello everyone,

This is a private copy of BIRD100.2 for your review.
I would like to get your feedback on it before we release it publicly,
which I am hoping to do this Friday to meet the requirements for being
able to vote on it in the next IBIS Summit Teleconference.

Please send me your comments if you have any before the end of Thursday
this week.


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